01 Aug 'Buy Black' will not solve economic enslavement! Vol.1

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"Introduction- 'Buy black' is a limited approach to a greater problem." 

For those new to the blog, please read my other posts by searching under 'buy black'.  Thanks for all your support.

I will be writing an ongoing series on this subject. I am currently working on a book of similar title.

First let me tell you upfront that I am not suggesting in any way that we shouldn't support and patronize black businesses! What I am telling you is that this approach by itself will not deliver us from our economic enslavement.

Suggesting or believing that 'Buy Black' will create the number of jobs we need to be independent, self sufficient and cause the dollar to remain in the African American community is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

My mentor one day asked me the following questions. 

If you were going to buy rice for yourself, how much would you buy?

I answered about a bag or 2 lbs.

He then asked, "If you were going to buy rice for your family then how much?"

I answered him 5 lbs.

Then, he asked how much rice would you buy for the community?

The answer to this initially was huh? Then he asked again and I thought more and answered, “I guess I would buy 500 lbs."

He then asked me how much would you buy for the nation?

At this point there is a lot to learn from these questions and his point to me was that one person could be responsible for feeding the nation if they could produce enough rice!

In 'buy black' as an approach we are basically seeking to feed a nation with the amount of rice that could only feed a community. We don't have enough rice for it too work.

Yes, we have close to a trillion dollars in spending power as a community. We know this. However a major key to economic growth is the length of time the dollars remain in one's community not in how much spending power you have. Length of time is a far more critical factor because it creates an economic term in a local economy called "multiplier effect".

 IN closing, I know this is a controversial topic, however, if we continue mentally down a road that will only lead you to Florida and your true destination is CA. Then, know matter how many obstacles you overcome you will never arrive at your true destination of CA because you are on the wrong road.

'Buy Black' by itself is not the road that will lead to economic prosperity for African Americans.

 Stay tuned for more education around why it is the wrong road and to begin to learn about more robust vehicles that will put us collectively on the right path.


Rich Mind

For those new to the blog, please read my other posts by searching under 'buy black'.  All comments welcome and appreciated. Let's learn and grow together.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55