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OVER AT: http://edu2010.ning.com/ white America are taking pledges to watch a film due out this fall called: " WAITING ON SUPERMAN TO COME" The film is about the current condition of the public school system and where white America fits in.

I haven't seen the screening film but I did watch the post film screening discussions.

If the post film screening discussion in any way mirrors the true reflection of the film and if a hint is sufficient for the wise then FORGET ABOUT IT! White America knows full well what happened to the public school system.

Apparently the ones that don't know are the film producers and the panelists engaged in a contrived, pretentious video after screening deceptive discussion.

The post discussion panelist consisted of 5 white individuals. The panelists sat aligned along side the host in a romper room formation starting with girl, boy, girl, boy, girl...

The first panelist deduces that what happened with the public school system was no decentralization among the agencies. She says that the school agencies were formed with solid intent but that they subsequently collided with each other forming a paralyzing, stupefying, untamable knot that could not be undone.

Panelist one spoke with hand gestures and profound revelation but not knowing that her self awareness is old news.

Maybe she is too young to remember that when black America took to the streets and airwaves complaining to the white public school authorities about not being able to get anything accomplish because there were too many agencies involved causing a paralyzing, stupefying, untamable knot in the system White America told them to return to their class rooms, suck it up and write it off, as the price of doing business with the board of education.

Fighting the knot became a normal occurrence and expectation for inner city public schools. Over the years fighting the knot became to be known as bureaucracy and red tape.

The second panelist as if running for political office declares to the astonishment of the listeners that excellence begets excellence and that excellent teachers should be paid $138,000 per year regardless of rank or seniority. He too must have been too young to remember.

White America knew that for years upon years teachers in the inner city public school system never even knew what a salary looked like let alone $138,000 per year.

The money teachers received from the board of education for services rendered was not referred to as salary per se. The money they were paid by the board of education was widely and commonly referred to as "combat pay" or "Affirmative action pay."

White America knew that inner city schoolteachers needed serious financial compensation worthy of their output and excellence but instead they responded with classroom increases, headstrong "go by the book" overseers, tighter school budgets and a increased push for charter schools.

The third panelist sounded like she was a talking billboard for charter schools. She suggested with novelty of expression that they should bring in engineers to teach the charter students the fundamentals of technology and to relieve the teachers because she says that the teachers are overworked, overburdened and stressed out.

Long before white America felt the need to call upon superman to come, Inner city schools had been telling The White public school power structure that they were being overworked, under-funded, stressed out and under- staffed by technology and specialized instructors but White America did not respond by sending in new technology and engineers they sent in consultants and more overseers.

The fourth panelist showed compassion for inner city students rarely seen but not before confessing that he is the sentimental type to begin with. Armed with that knowledge it is easy to accept his compassion for the forgotten black children with a grain of salt.

The most revealing moment and the smoking gun of a contrived and pretentiousness discussion climaxed when the 4th panelist said as a matter-of-factly that if the public school situation as it pertains to bureaucracy, lack of pay, resources and the quality of education had been inflicted upon white students instead of black students that white America would have addressed and responded with attentiveness, vigor and decisiveness.

The other panelists present however pretended not hearing him because they rolled right over his statement as if he never said it. They blew his revelation off because they know that's a fact.

The 4th panelist went on to say that white America knew that the teachers were failing the students but instead of correcting the inequity they fixed the teachers evaluation reports to read, "exceed" regardless of performance.

When white America could no longer distinguish the difference between a good teacher and bad teacher the white public school power structure decided to fire them all. It was the only way to be certain that they get the bad ones.

White America decided to fire all inner city teachers, shut down under performing inner city elementary and high schools and to reconstitute the entire public school system.

The local government, teacher unions, parents and students felt that the decision by the white power structure to fire all inner city teachers, shut down the inner city elementary and high schools and reconstitute the entire public school system was a declaration of war.

The fifth panelist in the discussion was for the most part silent during the discussion. She appeared to be simply bringing up the rear. She had no real commentary or contribution to the discussion.

I suspect it was because she was older, smarter and much wiser than her young counterparts. She undoubtedly knows the public school saga but she was wise enough to let the young people have their say and not rob them of their thunder.

The panelists were young or just don't remember but for those that do remember, they will never forget. The public school system in its present day form is a casualty of brutal diabolical, intellectual and unmerciful war.

Dear Black America 2010, White America 2010 and Educators 2010, let me tell you a true story.

Outside of White America's psychological and philosophical world of soft-shoe post screening movie discussions exists a place called "real time."

In real time and not long ago during a time of the public school unpleasantness white America grew weary of black America beating up on them about the non-existence of quality education, funding and natural resources.

Black America however felt justified in their assaults and attacks upon the white American power structure. Black America likened their cause to taxation without representation.

White America subsequently decided that they would rather go to war with black America than surrender to boycotts, threats, intimidation and the consistent nagging, badgering and demands from inner city teachers, unions, local politicians and African American minister/leaders.

The White American power structure declared war on black America and their weapon of choice would be intelligence and the strategy of choice would be, divide and conquer.

Their opening move would be to mandate that all public school teachers return to school and get tested in their curriculums. If the teacher failed the examine or did not take the examine they sent letters to parents of their students declaring that, "The teacher of your child is not qualified to teach in their curriculums."

White America increased their call for charter schools but stood steadfastly opposed to the notion of school vouchers.

White America had studied their adversary well and they knew that school voucher and charter schools were hot button topics for Black America. Those two topics deployed as their weapons of mass destruction would surely separate and divide students, parents, politicians and the teachers union. Once the infighting between black America started the white power structure surmised that they could simply march in and roll the opposition up like sleeping bags and then declare victory.

It was now time for local government and black America to make their move.

Local Government decided on supporting Public School Vouchers. They began spreading and supporting the slogan "No Child left behind." It was a perfect and ironclad position for local government to assume because it gave them neutrality.

With a brilliant and catchy slogan like," "No Child left behind." who could argue with that?

The war was now between White America and black America. A battle of intellectual supremacy will determine once and for all who controls the dynamic properties of the public school system. The weapon of choice is intelligence.

It would be a war of diabolical intellectual strategy and planning accompanied with timely and lethal execution. At the heart of the battle are financial struggles and fierce debates over the issue of funding, pay, resources, curriculum, school vouchers and charter schools.

The battle lines were drawn and the war began

Local Government was for school vouchers but white America opposed school vouchers because school vouchers meant forced busing and forced integration.

The mechanics of a school voucher meant that instead of paying inner city teachers $138,000 per year or supplying schools with engineers and specialized teachers any student that felt he or she was being left behind because of overcrowding or lack of quality instruction or proper resources could request a school voucher that allows that student to choose another school. Another school to a black student always meant a white school located in an upper-crust zip code.

Choosing another school to white America spelled the dreaded word "busing". White America fervently opposed the notion of busing inner city school children to be around their children. As far as white America was concerned school vouchers was just another means of forced integration.

The white power structure however loved the notion of charter schools because charter schools would have autonomy and discretion. Charter schools are not bound by the rigorous demands or requirements from the board of education.

Charter schools mean that they can "Charter" their own course.

The inner city teacher unions opposed school vouchers and charter schools for purely selfish reasons. The teachers union didn't want school vouchers or charter schools because they were selfish and greedy. The teachers union resisted any measure, plan or policy that threatened to alter, reduce, cut or eliminate their teaching positions or their combat pay.

The teacher union because of their strong opposition to change became Black America's first line of defense in the war against the white power structure. The teacher's union battle cry would become known as "Fight the power!"

Black America entered the battle against the white power structure void of defined intelligence, no war experience, no funding and fueled only by, limited, depleting and residual resources and surrender was not an option.

Surrender was not an option for black America because white America made it clear that they would take no prisoners. The choices shared and shared alike for white America and black America was "do or die." This would be a battle where winner takes all and if you lose, you pay with your heart, mind, body and soul.

If you lose, your job is gone, your schools are closed, livelihood destroyed and you and your children are to be thrown out onto the street and to the mercy of the wolves and may God have mercy on all of us.

To counter white America aggressive agenda of attack the teachers union devised a childish slave defense. Their battle game plan and strategy was called "We will hold our breath until you give us what we want" offensive.

The teachers union affected their strategy by voting, threatening and going on strike year after year usually only 3 days or less before the official start of the school year. Their strategy was weak and it backfired. Their strategy divided teachers that disagreed with the union and alienated school parents that supported the teachers union.


Parents attacked the teachers union for devising such a poor, ill conceived intellectually barren strategy especially once the parents realized, learned and understood that they were losing government funding while already in a desperate situation because their children missed the opening of the school year. Losing money by not having their children in school added to their mass frustration.

White America was stunned and flabergasted to see the strategy that black America came up with. White America had braced for the worst only to discover that black America lacked the collective intelligence to formulate an intellectually driven and effective battle strategy.

White America concluded that defeating black America would be a walk in the park and as such they abandoned their attack position and began formulating victory parties, plans and maneuvers.

Defeated, broken and humiliated the teachers union turned to African American Minister leaders for intellectual battle strategy. African American minister leaders accepted the baton and they devised and deployed the "Misery loves company strategy."

The "misery loves company" strategy is predicated on the premise that there is strength in numbers.
Whenever African American minister/leaders would speak publicly and if the topic was education, housing, employment, discrimination or injustice, the strategy of the "misery loves company" is to always include another large group when expressing your own plight.

The African Ameican minister/leaders offensive strategy was designed to show white America a force of strength in numbers. The African Americans chose the latinos large population to exploit.

When the Latinos found out that they were being portrayed as allies with the African Americans they immediate sought to distance and distinguish themselves as being separate and apart from the African Americans.

The Latinos countered with newspaper articles reporting to the world that the average Latino makes $100,000 per year. They showed proof that major banks such as Citibank court their business by sending them messages written in Spanish that reads: "we believe in you."

To further demonstrate their dis-association with the African Americans the Latinos formed their own arm of government.

To offset the African Americans Congressional Black Caucus that kept associating the Latinos with their plight the Latinos sent the African Americans a strong message by creating their own arm of government known as The Latino Congressional Caucus.

Without a friend or ally on the planet Earth white America moved in for the quick kill and easy victory. The public school battle with white America was going poorly for black America. The Latinos refusal to be target ducks dealt the African Americans a deathblow.

In frightened desperation and as a last ditch Hail Mary effort to crush white America and seize control of the public school system the African American minister leaders turned to their ace in the hole Senator/ Reverend James Meeks from Chicago, Illinois.

The Senator/ Reverend James Meeks from Chicago, Illinois was hand-picked by Jesse Jackson Sr. to lead the African Americans.

Senator/ Reverend James Meeks from Chicago, Illinois war strategy was to leverage the black children. His plan was to use the black children as hostages and human shields to force white America to back down, cave in and to share the bounty of their technological resources and know-how.

Senator/ Reverend James Meeks from Chicago, Illinois war strategy was designed to bring White America to their knees and to make them kiss the ring of the new educational Czar.

Senator/Reverend James Meeks from Chicago, Illinois would become known as THE MAN THAT WOULD BE KING. http://chicagosblackbusinessnetwork.ning.com/profiles/blogs/the-man-that-would-be-king

Needless to say that in the end, it was black America that fell at the feet of white America defeated, embarrassed, broken, humiliated, divided and disenfranchised. White America kept their promise and showed black America no mercy.

Academic death came swiftly upon black America. The inner public school system crumbled without needed repair, elementary and high schools were shut down for poor performance and boarded up. Hundreds of teachers were fired and every black child that can't afford charter school tuition has been left behind.

The white power structure reduced the Black American public school system to rubble and rubbish. Without affordable education many Black Americans have been forced back into darkness, poverty, ignorance and slavery.

As white America relished the defeat of black America they did not see nor hear the Asians flanking their position. By the time white America turned around the Asians had a foothold and has staked claim to white Americas academic fame.

Word rapidly spread globally that the Asians are smarter than the whites and as technology advanced beyond white America's academic expertise and capabilities they have been forced to surrender their first place academic standing to the Asians and to dispatch corporate headhunters to court and recruit German engineers.

In the face of the Asians the American public school system is archaic and wholly obsolete. Desperate to regain their title as academic leaders white America dispatches personnel to China and other parts of the world to learn how the Asians do it.

The mayor of Chicago has been to China at least 3 times to study their academic culture.

The Asians will not be so easily defeated intellectually as were the African Americans. In the face of the Asian intellectual super powers white Americans have called upon SUPERMAN to save their public school system.

At last check 17,637 have pledged to see the movie but if the following statistic is any indication of white America's fortitude, desire will and commitment to win then consider this:

Out of 80 members profiled on the Education 2010 web site 62 of them don't even show their faces.

Stop soft shoe contrived discussions and read BUY/READ UNDERCOVER SMART - http://store.mubarakinter-prizes.com/undercs.html

Don't wait on Superman because if you were to ask Superman what book he thinks is best, he will tear open his shirt and show you UNDERCOVER SMART on his chest.




Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak

President/CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55