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White networks are beginning to charge for their services and instead of black social networks capitalizing on how we differ from them that would encourage blacks to join us these black networks like Izania continue to report and advance white networks while hypocritically proclaiming that:

"There are social networks for nearly every interest group. The iZania online community at http://www.izania.com/ was a social network for descendants of Africa before Facebook, and Twitter, but we utilize these tools to reach an expanding audience."
Roger Madison Jr. , April 28, 2010


I am puzzled why you find it necessary to take issue whith so many things that are shared here at iZania.com. It would be just as easy for you to spend your time somewhere else that is more suitable to your liking. At times I perceive that you are one of those "loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit."

We constantly promote Black initiatives at iZania. However, we are not oblivious to the fact that we don't live in this world alone. There is no value in spending time disavowing everything "white." Just as we proudly embrace our African heritage, we are equally forceful in overcoming initiatives that would disavow everything "Black."

Yes, we have engaged many Black enterprizes in our struggle. We have accepted your participation along with others. Have our Black brothers and sisters always responded to our appeals (i.e., the call for 10,000 business referrals)? No. How many businesses did you refer? That doesn't deter us. We are still making progress.



Izania.com is yet another example of black people promoting white enter-prizes. How many of those white social networks have ever promoted Izania or any other black social network with any positive article of recognition or praise?

How many articles has Izania written promoting our own black social networks in a bid for expansion, recognition, exposure or advancement?

Do these black social networks write articles or blogs on their own social forums such as: Izania, Black business Builders, Black Business Space, Connecting Black, Let's talk Honestly, Chicago Black Business The Black Pub or Mubarak Inter-prizes?

They don't promote each other black social sites because that would be to much like right. Instead they say thing like:

I use both Social Networking Services. Most of my personal friends are on Face book. I enjoy sharing good content on Twitter

I like Facebook because you can build groups and a presence. You can also instantly chat.

I use them both and find them both to be valuable.

First to address about promoting a Black webportal.... We've all been doing that for years and you see where it's got us

The bottom line is Blacks are a minority...Period! There are more whites online then Blacks and they are setting the trends. My position is this...wherever there is a crowd.... There's Money!

What blacks have to say about their social site:

One would think that with all these brilliant minds, we would be more supportive and helpful to one another.

It also sickens me that we continue to down each instead of lifting each other up.

Interaction with the people on this site can make a world of difference to what direction you go next.

I was talking to hubby today and were talking about how the black stereotype that we are at war with each other. All we do is prove the stereotype RIGHT.

I also agree with you - there have been so many times that I reached out to support someone with their product/service only to be ignored, or whatever....and I go 'elsewhere' and get quick service.

There are so many great people here, but for some reason, no one wants to celebrate with each other, but rather tear each other down. It's really sad. I don't think it's ever gonna change.

I have been saying this for years now! But, I will go on step further; not only is CB, not what and where it should be MOST of the "Black NING SITES" are just a place for folks to "hang out"! The are no more than "CYBER LOUNGES"!

I invited a few of my friends here from other business sites and they can't stop laughing.

Izania initiated a call for 10,000 black businesses but what ever happen to that initative? It has been abandoned and Less than 30 days later they are back to sucking up to and promoting white social networks. http://www.izania.com/articles/our-community/life-in-the-fast-lane-%11%11-only-too-much-is-enough/

Izania is not being singled out because in addition I wrote to and about :BLACK IN TIME INTERPRISES when they attempted to promote Rev.Lowry's speech as a fitting tribute to the legacy of the Late Coretta S.King:

The President/CEO of BLACK IN TIME INTERPRISES did not have the strength and fortitute to let withstand truth therfore he deleted truth to embrace his ego and flattering comments of praise, appreciation and agreement. FORGET ABOUT IT!

Read my true remarks to BLACK IN TIME INTERPRISES at:


DEAR Black America 2010

We are fighting for our existence and the only ones to defend our right to exist are readers, writers and producers.

This is not about racism, hate or kill whitey. This is about any and all black social networks that continue to ignore their responsibility to provide a foundation of inclusion without attaching our wagon to the every other ethnic group because we are to lazy, unmotivated and trifling to do for ourselves.

You don't hear nor can you recall anytime in history where other races or nationalities has included you in their struggle for survival, parity, equality or justice.

When was the last time the Latinos addressed their issues to say the Latinos and the African Americans are jobless and hopeless? The Latinos are not waiting around for the African Americans to get it together. The Latinos are preparing to run their own for office of mayor of Chicago.

When was the last time you heard China say that China and the African Americans are being short sided and discriminated on?

When was the last time you heard from the Europeans, Japanese, Koreans, Romanians, Russians include African Americans... FORGET ABOUT IT!

Even our own African brothers and sisters in Africa don't want to be associated with us because black social networks like Izania talk unity, collectiveness and togetherness but promote everthing else and anyone else but us.


Black social networks are always including some other race or nationality because we are to viewed by other nations and social networks as to weak and petty to stand alone.

Black social networks spend all our time trying to promote, integrate, suck up to being accepted or adopted by the Europeans, Latinos, Chinese, Japanese and whatever ethic social network we can leech upon or will have us.

We decide like leeches to attach our troubles to theirs hoping that if they won't do for us then they will do for them and then we can suck the benefits given them to help us.

Whatever our troubles are we had better fix them quick. President Obama will leave office and If we don't have enough black business, social networks and entities dedicated to us and our specific needs it will be a death blow to us all.

I for one will be damned if I stand by silently while Izania, Blackintimeinterprises and any other black social network jerk off the future for my grandchildren for the sake of their own vanities and ego's in a time of a sitting black president when the getting is good.

When are you readers, writers and producers of this 21st century going to stop the misery loves company strategy and accept sole and unconditional responsibility to uplift ourselves without promoting and including every other race and ethnic group?

Join MUBARAK INTER-PRIZES black America and let us blog these black social networks until they connect their resources and dedicate their efforts to writng, promoting, advancing and targeting our aggregation and not our integration into the social fabric of these social networks evolving and shaping the 21st century landscape

Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak
President/CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55