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What we need is blood, sweat and tears on the frontline involved in practical application but what we tend to attract are professors and senior citizens, pro styling, grandstanding and pontificating.

The implementation of any agenda requires young bodies on the ground and frontline of practical application but instead of young hard bodies and courageous men we have cowards and traitors like Cornel West, Tavis Smiley and talking head professors.

Instead of intelligent strategy coming from wise senior leaders, we have a bunch of outdated, obsolete civil rights Indian chiefs but no 21st century Indians.

All theses pastors, preachers, professors and civil right seniors can do is suggest in concerted redundancy what needs to be done.

They have held conferences and radio interviews. They have had television exposure and various articles written and yet they are incapable of reaching or achieving a specific and direct point of strategy to implement.

They are unable to reach a intellectual consensus regarding a specific strategy because they are to busy jacking for position.

These fake scary activist, professors and senior citizens are not interested in an agreed upon strategy because what each one really harbors inside is the notion of receiving name recognition and credit for being the idea or strategy to save the day.

We will all be back in slavery waiting on them to pound a unified fist upon the desk with a unified plan and the strategic confidence to shout, Get me Undercover brother!

Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak
President/CEO Mubarak inter-prizes

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55