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Today let us reason together. I propose that everything in this life can be approached from the perspective of being a game and your salvation is no exception.

Salvation is as a game because like any other game there is something to be gained from winning and a price to be paid for losing and I play the game.

Today and very briefly I want to reason with you as to why we all must play the game and why we have no choice but to play the game if we want true and everlasting salvation.

In our mortal existence we live until we die, but in the game of salvation you must first die before you live.

In the game of salvation there is only a first and second place. First place winners will have their names written in the book of life. They get to rest under the tree of eternal life in the garden of God and are everlasting friends of the heavenly host.

First place finishers in the game of salvation will have access to the heavenly throne and all of it glory to behold. First place finishers may possibly get to meet, greet and hug their past loved ones that have gone on before while standing and walking on streets of gold.

Second place finishers.... go to hell.

The one and only rulebook is the Holy Bible. Inside the Holy Bible the warnings, consequences, rewards, punishments and rules of winning salvation are laid out and spelled out.

Finishing first in the game of salvation is not destiny, luck of the draw, roll of the dice or a flip of a card. Salvation or hell is all in how you play the game.

If you truly desire to go to heaven then you must choose to play the game because the Holy Bible makes it very clear: Play the game or go to hell.

If you reject salvation or refuse to play the game by deliberately shining or hiding your light of faith under a basket of fear, denial, rejection or shame, you lose.

The Bible states that if you deny your faith unto man upon this earth then Jesus will deny you unto His Father who art in heaven and hollow be thy name.

Jesus says that My Father will reply then, go away for I know thee not.

Consider this:
Finish in second place and you will go to hell. If you reject your faith or refuse to play the game you will go to hell. Deny Jesus unto man and you will go to hell because Jesus will deny you unto His Father and His Father will know you not and order that you go be sent to hell.

Since there is only first place and second place in the game and considering that you have just been thrown out of first place? Where will you go?

Can you now grasp the reality that we are left with no choice but to play the game or go to hell?

As frightening and dreadful as that reality is, fear not and take this advice from a long time, hard-core, prayer warrior, bible thumbing veteran player, in the game for salvation.

I am going to tell you what you should know, do and look for if you want to successfully Play the game and avoid the flame.

The very first thing you need to do is to equip and acquaint yourself with the Holy Bible. Study the layout and read the rules of the game.

Study and read the bible so you can acquire the skill of spiritual discernment. You will need spiritual discernment in order to win the game and avoid the flame.

Know that in the game of salvation, strait is the gate and narrow is the way.

Know that it would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter his way to salvation.

Know that the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life.

Know that contrary to popular belief your salvation is not a personal matter or issue.

Know that it is written in the book that where two or more are gathered in His name there will He be among them, so don't neglect to assembly yourselves to share spirituality and knowledge with other players in the game.

Trust no one.

Never trust anyone else to have your salvation at heart when investing in your eternity.

Know that there is no other name given unto man by which he may be saved, but Jesus' name.

Know that when you win you are winners for all eternity. When you lose you are losers for all eternity.

The game of salvation aside from rules and knowledge there are also pitfalls, distractions and attractions.

Along the path to salvation you will have the privilege of crossing paths with saints, visionaries and the anointed.

You will come across shepherds, evangelists and egotistical self-made pastors and self-proclaimed saviors but stay alert, vigil and mindful because the road to hell is paved with their good intentions.

Do not become hardened and bitter behind bad spiritual advice, ill-conceived plans or spiritual misunderstandings carried out in the name of the Lord and justified by someone calling upon the blood of Jesus to bless an ill-conceived event.

Know that there is a way, which seems right unto a man but the ways thereof are the ways of death.

The game of salvation is full of individual heart wrenching decisions, so choose and consider your responses and actions to emotional issues wisely.

You must decide when is a man stronger when he sees a situation along the side of the road and he stops to get involved or when he ignores the situation and continues on his way?

Make your choices and decisions wisely because in the game of salvation your choices, actions, thoughts and deeds are recorded for all eternity.

Since no one wants to finish second and go to hell play the game knowing it is appointed upon man once to die but after this the judgment.

Last but not least fear no man that can only kill you once, but fear Him that can condemn your soul to all eternity.

If you are to have any hope, prayer or chance at finishing in first place, you must decide right now to play the game or go to hell because tomorrow is promised to no one.

Take care, God bless and I hope to see you all in the winners' circle.

Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak
President/CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55