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2/4/2010 1:52:34 PM
Master Enoch

You brothers need to stop hating on me because I'm dating a sexy blonde chick who treats me like a king.

I still got mad love for black women. However, the white girls are friendlier and they treat you better.

She makes over $70,000 a year, which is twice the amount of money that I make.

The sister who work in my office building would not speak to me when I spoke to them.

I guess the fact that I'm a security guard had something to do with the reason why they ignored me.

2/4/2010 2:21:05 PM
You brothers need to stop hating on me because I'm dating a sexy blonde chick who treats me like a king.
Delroy Williams

DEAR BROTHER DELROY AND ALL OTHER BROTHERS Your ending sentence is wrong again my friend.

In the following examples you have two choices. Either choice would be correct.

Choice 1: You brothers need to stop hating on me because I'm dating a sexy blonde chick who treats me like they treated Rodney king.

Choice 2: You brothers need to stop hating on me because I'm dating a sexy blonde chick who treats me like the man that would be king.

I am not hating on you brother but you need to come correct because white America has no love for you.

Contrary to popular belief the sisters don't frown on you because you are a security guard.

That's all in your head and the following is my proof:
I guess the fact that I'm a security guard had something to do with the reason why they ignored me.

Is your guess a fact? or is a guess simply a guess?
I recommend you ask the sisters point blank or guess again.

2/4/2010 3:16:27 PM
Enoch, it's hard to have a conversation with black women when they ignore me 90% of the time. I'm not trying to bash black women. I got nothing but mad love for them. There is no question in my mind that when I'm ready to settle down and get married it will be with a woman of color.

Most black women prefer to date a man who has money and status. Did you peep that " Why 42% of Professional Black women are single" video? Blue collar brothers like me do not get as much play from the sisters because of our limited ability to earn a decent income.

If I could find a black woman who is:
Single or divorced with no kids
Weighs less than 135lbs
Exercise or workouts at the gym 3 to 5 times a week
Has good credit and a job and earns more than $70,000 a year
Has natural hair with a beautiful smile
Is willing to buy my kids nice gifts
Owns her own home and drives a nice car
Is healthy, doesn't drink, smoke or do drugs
Is a vegan but will still occasionally fix a burger for her man
Thinks my dark skin and kinky hair is sexy
Is proud to be seen with me in public
Is a registered Republican who voted for Obama because I asked her to
Does not use sex as a weapon against me
Who act very feminine, docile and sweet around me
Who still fixes my plate and pours my drink for me when we share a meal together
Who loves me unconditionally and doesn't care about a mans money or status.

I would date or marry her in a heart beat. I wasn't searching or looking for a white woman. She found me and I feel blissed to have her in my life.

2/4/2010 5:37:33 PM
Look again at your requirements below. Each requirement is do-able. The problem in your current situation is discovered in the first 7 words of your very first sentence to wit: If I could find a black woman

If I could find a black woman who is........
Single or divorced with no kids
Weighs less than 135lbs
Exercise or workouts at the gym 3 to 5 times a week
Has good credit and a job and earns more than $70,000 a year
Has natural hair with a beautiful smile
Is willing to buy my kids nice gifts
Owns her own home and drives a nice car
Is healthy, doesn't drink, smoke or do drugs
Is a vegan but will still occasionally fix a burger for her man
Thinks my dark skin and kinky hair is sexy
Is proud to be seen with me in public
Is a registered Republican who voted for Obama because I asked her to
Does not use sex as a weapon against me
Who act very feminine, docile and sweet around me
Who still fixes my plate and pours my drink for me when we share a meal together
Who loves me unconditionally and doesn't care about a mans money or status.

Brothers, let's reason together:
If I wanted to find a black woman who is........ and knowing statistically that 42% of Professional Black women are single" equals what logical conclusion and highly probable solution where endless possibilities exist?

Let's examine the common factors of brother Delroy Williams situation:

1. The common denominator in his situation is that: He desires to find a black woman

2. 42% of Professional Black women are single"

In theory his situation is 1/2 complete because a black woman is his common denominator.

3. To solve for X he needs to approach the black woman of his choice while keeping within the 42% range of availability,

4. Present the black woman of his choice with his do-able expectations for her serious consideration of having a serious man/woman relationship.

Statically with 42% of Professional Black women being single brother Delroy Williams can negotiate his terms, descriptions, examples and expectations from a position of strength.

Theorically, if upon reading brother Delroy Williams terms, descriptions, examples and expectations the sister of his choice looks him in his face and eyes and says, I can do that. Problem solved.

By presenting the black woman of his choice with his list of desirable expectations and upon her accepting and agreeing to his list of terms, descriptions, examples and expectations brother Delroy Williams has essentially and for all practical purposes built the kind of woman he has in his minds eye.

In conclusion
You don't have to: find a black woman who is..... because the conditions are right for choosing and custom building the black woman you seek and desire.

Fair Exchange Is No Robbery
Know however going in that any black woman of your choice that agrees to walk down the middle of the road with you by obligating herself to meet your requirements and expectations may have terms and conditions of her own to run pass you.

Accept her terms and conditions and be of good cheer because fair exchange is no robbery.

2/4/2010 7:33:30 PM
Brother Enoch, I'm a GED grad and your post was to deep for me to comprehend. But I will holla back at you when and if I ever need some dating advice and how to find a good black woman.

RP, I think I understand what you're staying in your post. However, I felt that the tone of your post was somewhat negative. Are there any single black men in this room who share my point of view that most black women are very status conscious, materialistic and superficial as it relates to the criteria that they use to evaluate a prospective dating partner.

Why are the women in this room being so silent on this post? I would love to hear a womans point of view on this subject.

2/4/2010 8:23:10 PM
Why are the women in this room being so silent on this post? I would love to hear a woman's point of view on this subject.
Delroy Williams

With 42% of black women available you nonetheless cross over and report back to us that you are in bliss with your sexy blonde and that we need to stop hating on you.

In all of your bliss you: would love to hear a woman's point of view. In all of your bliss you: yearn to hear a black woman's voice.

Yearning to hear a black woman's voice is the price you pay when you cross over because EVERY FORM OF REFUGE HAS ITS PRICE.

Even if you offered the black woman a penny for her thoughts I am sure after they told you what they think, you would want your money back.

When you find yourself in inter-racial bliss while yearning at the same time to hear a black woman's voice you need to stop and ask yourself: HOW AM I REALLY LIVING?

2/4/2010 11:18:39 PM
Mr. Enoch, you are a very intelligent brother. Are you a Muslim or a peacher? If you're not, you should be. You remind me of my uncle Willie Lee who just got out of prison 3 months ago. He did a two year bid for selling drugs.

I'm a huge fan of sister Shahrazad Ali, the author of " The Black mans Guide to understanding the black woman" This woman speak truth to power about black women in America. You can find some of her speeches on Youtube.com. I implore the young brothers in this room to watch a few of her videos or, buy a copy of her book from Amazon.com when you get a chance.

I'm still waiting for the sister in this room to step up to the plate and join the debate. Don't be scared ladies, I don't bite:) - DELROY WILLIAMS Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak President/CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes http://www.mubarakinter-prizes.com/

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55