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Word was out over the Internet that a black man of great vision and courage was to be a guest on a recent blog talk radio show so, I made it my business to listen in and too call in.

For the sake of black history I wanted my voice on the same program as my hero proving to the world that I talked with the man that would resurrect the dead.

His name is Ron Carter. Ron Carter is heading up an initiative in the City of Chicago to resurrect a facsimile of the famously infamous Black Wall Street originally and historically headquartered in Oklahoma. His plan is to designate a corridor of black businesses along a stretch of inner city land as The Black Wall Street of Chicago

It takes a man of great vision, courage, resources and neighborhood cooperation to resurrect a time in history when hundreds if not thousands of black men, women and children were murdered and their town burned to the ground by the same race of people he looks to for the money to bankroll his vision and his mission.

I called the blog talk radio show and waited on line with great anticipation to talk to brother Ron Carter and to make history because no ordinary man could accomplish such a task.

As I waited on hold I listened to Ron Carter talking to whom I understood to be a senator. I surmised that if Ron Carter was talking to a senator than surely I was on to something historical so I listened even more intently.With excitement and great anticipation I anxiously waited for my turn to speak.

As I listen more attentively I kept hearing what I took to be another male voice on the phone but I soon realized it was no extra person on the line it was Ron Carter and he was crying to the senator like a hooker that didn't get paid.

My hero was lamenting to the senator that there is not enough black men over here, over there and whining about not being able to get support for this or that. The best thing that could have happened for the senator was when the moderator said that there was another call waiting and they had to move the show along.

Needless to say that by the time it was my turn to talk, I was hot enough to fornicate.

I bluntly asked Ron Carter, "what is all the crying and whining about"? I told him just do it and stay off the radar. I told him to move Undercover Smart and with incredulous disbelieve and ignorance Ron Carter say's " how am I suppose to that, "I am a newspaperman."

When Ron Carter told me he was a newspaperman I broke down like a shotgun. Ron Carter is actually a long-winded newspaperman when his initiative, mission and task require the demeanor and experience of a union boss.

Ron Carter went on to say that moving Undercover Smart was not an option because he still has to submit his paperwork to the Chicago boss of bosses, Mayor Daley for approval and funding.

With a matter of fact and protocol attitude Ron Carter surrendered his bravado and self assurance as Chicago's Chairman of Black Wall Street and confesses that Mayor Daley is the real boss and that he has the final say. Ron Carter sounded so defeated by the process that I gave up all hope too.

As a newspaperman Ron Carter is full of facts, figures and historical timelines. As a newspaper man he no doubt got a few of his buddies to throw him a bone and do a little segment on his initiative but in real-time Ron Carter has no Union boss clout, no Chicago juice and no political pull.

I ask my hero why can't he raise the money without going to the city and he replied by giving me a history of bronzeville. I ask him what time it is and he tells me how to build a clock.

Ron Carter, my hero it turns out is just another meatball on the grill. I left my hapless hero with a word of advice from a real soldier on the front-line, " Never ask for what you are not prepared to take" then I hung up.


Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak
President/CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes



Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55