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We are beginning a movement that request every book in our school systems which refer to us as "Slaves" or "Slavery" be changed to read "Slave System."  How can you expect a child to learn with confidence when you start them off in a school system describing them to all of the other students with a word that is completely untrue and negative to the historical facts?  Our forefathers and mothers were not Slaves but were placed in a Slave System.  The description of the word "System" in the dictionary is (a set of principles, rules, procedures, laws or the like.) 
It is a plain to see that Black people from the beginning of this country were controlled by a set of principles, rules, procedures and laws.  I keep emphasizing this because if you say "slave" or "slavery" you will never begin to think about what principles, what rules, what procedures and what laws that were used to keep us captured in the Slave System.  When you start using this thinking process, you will wake up to new knowledge about yourself and be able to see what's been blinding you.  You are blind when you keep using the words "slave" or "slavery."  Stand up and sign up - 

Below I will prove to you how the SLAVE SYSTEM is still alive using the "word game".  Take the SLAVE SYSTEM test below - I bet you'll never guess what the answer is.


Question:  Is it the National Basketball Association (NBA) or National Football League (NFL)? 
(36)      have been accused of spousal abuse

(7)        have been arrested for fraud

(19)      have been accused of writing bad checks

(117)    have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
(3)        have done time for assault
(71)      cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
(14)      have been arrested on drug-related charges
(8)        have been arrested for shoplifting
(21)      currently are defendants in lawsuits, and
(84)      have been arrested for drunk driving within the last year
Can you guess which organization this is? NBA?  NFL?
Give up?  For Answer
click   http://www.kakakiki.com/statement.htm and scroll down to NBA/NFL


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55

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