29 Oct The Black Shopping Channel and keeping our dollars in the black community
A company that will put your product, or service in front of 800,000 Black households a day, each and every day 365 days a year. Do you want this type of exposure for your product, or service. The company I am a member, and distributor for is the Black Shopping Channel. It is similar to the QVC shopping channel. It makes it possible for you to sell your product, or service on national TV for a very low yearly rate, $1.02 per day. This price is unheard of for TV coverage. Others TV shopping channels charge thousands. Become a member of the Black Shopping Channel, and you get your own 3-5 minute TV professional infomercial to introduce your product, or service to Black America, You go into 800,000 Black households per day 24/7, you get an e-store website to display all your products for sell, you may also purchase stock in the company at a very, very low rate right now, before it goes public, you get a BB&T VISA Debit Card tied to the three top credit bureaus, to help rebuild, or build your credit, this is also unheard of with a debit card, and much much more.
Sell your product on the Black Shopping Channel, and help keep our black dollars in our black community for a longer period of time. From various studies it shows that all other ethnic groups keep their dollars in their own communities, 3 to 6 day after making their money, and we black people keep our money in our communities 6 hours after we make it.
Join our campaign of keeping black dollars in our black community for a longer period of time. Sell to the black community by putting your product, or service in black homes on national TV daily. The Black Shopping Channel now makes this possible. Still, a lot of us don't have computers to go on line to your e-store, but most, if not all of us have TV's. To learn more about the Black Shopping Channel go to our website at: www.blackshoppingchannel.com, also call our 24/7 company recording at: 712-432-1011 put in code 445445576 to hear about our company. Please call me at: 757-890-6309, or email me at mitchellp7577@gmail.com for more information. Join the Black Shopping Channel today, and get your product, or service on national TV. Please comment on my post, and please become my friend, and network with me.
Let we, Black America, 65,000,000 households hear, see, and know about your product, or service every day 24/7. Give us, Black America, 65,000,000 households the opportunity to buy from you first, and not from other shopping channels, and paid programming channel, there are a lot of them out there. But! none of them will keep our dollars in our black community like the Black Shopping Channel will.
Research the Black Shopping Channel. Go to our website, and take a look at all our categories. Most all we need is there at: www.blackshoppingchannel.com . Join our campaign, join the Black Shopping Channel. Help keep our dollars in our black community, and please, please tell all your family, friends, co-workers and others to help also by either selling, or buying on, and from the Black Shopping Channel. Thanks Patricia BLOG COMMENTS POWERED BY DISQUS