04 Dec Nike Says Just Do It and Tiger Did

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 The other night on Larry King, Donny Deutsch (from the big Idea on MSNBC) said the infidelity scandal involving  Tiger Woods will only make him seem more human and thus even more desirable as an endorser. I'd like to know how can that be.  Are we supposed to just forgive a man who publicly told us how important his marriage was to him and how his wife was the love of his live---his true soulmate----while he was secretly going behind her back and having affairs?  How does that really make him more human and desirable to advertisers?

Deutsch also said Tiger hasn't done anything that at least 50 percent of men haven't done.


Maybe there is some truth to that. Remember Presidential Candidate John Edwards, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, President John F. Kennedy and yes, even my first husband is in that group. But unlike the others, my ex didn't have enough money to make me want to stay.

Maybe Tiger should be the poster boy of a new campaign:  Just Say NO!

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55