30 Oct The "Cash in a Flash" Experiment

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In the 14 months I’ve been building Not Ur Momma’s News and the NUMN brand, I’ve been forced to accept some realities that I idealistically want(ed) to believe we had overcome, are alive and festering in cyberspace. Guess, like most everybody else, I was seeing holograms of someday come in President Barrack Obama. Don’t get it twisted; I never imagined that he is/was, would be or even wanted to be the African American messiah; the man is a politician and I expect(ed) him to be nothing other.


I did think his election would remind us of our innate power. I mean for Pete’s sake all the brother did was throw a good old fashioned rent party internet style. It was classic, old school and I thought that in our having watched ourselves finance the White House, to the tune of $800 million, $80 at a time we would get a new revelation of the leverage we possess. I thought we would embrace and walk in the reminder that unified equals inexorable.


Folks all over cyberspace told me I was crazy; said that cyber or brick and mortar, African Americans can’t work together to get anything done. Got told there ain’t no way to organize crabs in a barrel; I can’t say I wasn’t warned – repeatedly. And I found out the hard way that there are enough snakes in this here cyber grass to warrant a black label warning – while you’re serving and being harmless, be wise and stay alert.


People and circumstances convinced me that what I was/ we were doing wasn’t and isn’t going to work. A quick platitude:

            Insanity is doing the same thing over again expecting different results


And though I will admit the demise of my cyber idealism made me consider taking my little red wagon and sulking…uh logging off, I simply cannot let go. I believe that what we have endured witnesses to our power; that where we have come from portends where we are mandated to go. I believe in economic autonomy and functional unity and I believe in African Americans.


That said, there is little doubt that our efforts, individual and community, towards manifesting unity and autonomy are not proving fruitful, certainly not a quickly as we want or in many cases need. So the NUMN family made a commitment to take a different approach to both. We’re calling it the “Cash in a Flash” Experiment and we invite you to join us.


“Cash in a Flash” is the book, by Hansen & Allen, that we are using as a loose guide. The experiment is to determine whether we can manifest the unity and autonomy in small groups that we have yet to master in mass. The hypothesis is: Your mind, and mine, will provide a viable answer to any question posed. The question we are using to test the hypothesis is: How can we make $1 million in 90 days?  The process: Will unfold daily at $1 Million in 90 Days.


First build your, Together Everyone Achieves Miracles, team. A strong support system is crucial to every effort, and besides this is an exercise in functional unity. Seek out dreamers and possibility thinkers; seek out that friend or associate who is desperately ready for a change. Your team should have not less than 4 and not more than 6 members who are committed to investing the next 90 days in learning to think differently about unity, prosperity and themselves with the goal of manifesting answers to the question (How do we make $1 Million in 90 days?) as individuals and as communities. Agree to be unconditionally supportive and completely honest with each other. Iron sharpens iron; be liberal with the constructive criticism and tough questions. Your team must be able to depend on each other for the hardest truths and most inspired solutions.


Now join $1 Million in 90 Days. . Meet our team and introduce us to yours. Get ideas for structuring and facilitating your team’s masterminding sessions; share insight and encouragement with other teams along the way. NUMN believes in functional unity; NUMN believes in economic autonomy. NUMN believes that the consistent manifestation of the same power that bought the White House will fuel the rise of an African America that funds and administrates its own schools, hospitals and community centers. An African America that empowers encourages and disciplines its youth, an African America that flourishes in the irrefutable authority of self attained enfranchisement. NUMN believes in reparations paid in full, not because they finally did the right thing but because we did.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55