Somebody's Sinning in My Bed by Pat G'Orge-Walker
"It is my intent to draw attention to God's message of love through humor. If we can love God whom we have never seen, yet cannot love the ones we can see, then we have missed God's entire message." -- Pat G'Orge-Walker
Chyna and her sister Janelle are always moments away from a catfight. They love each other, but Janelle has never forgiven her sister for swiping her first love, Cordell. That was ages ago, and now Chyna is showing off as the First Lady of New Hope Assembly, a church that's caught between the old ways of Holiness and new ways of serving its community. New Hope's leader, Reverend Grayson Young, is also the infamous Sweet Bush lounge, an establishment well-known for adult pleasures.
With the church congregation running wild in the aftermath of her husband's scandalous behavior, Chyna turns to her sister Janelle for guidance. But if Chyna thinks she's getting sympathy from Janelle, she'd better think again, because Janelle's got her own crisis. And when Cordell suddenly comes back into the sisters' lives, what follows are squabbling, chaos, and surprises that show just how hard the road to salvation really is...
Excerpt from Somebody's Sinning in My Bed by Pat G'Orge-Walker
"Cordell DeWitt was not only Chyna's ex-husband but also had been Janelle's first and only true love. Her soul mate, she'd thought at the time. Actually, she hadn't changed her mind about that. He was still that. She'd chased her lost love for him from bed to bed since he'd left her for Chyna.
Never finding what she'd had with Cordell made Janelle wild. She wore infidelity almost like a badge of honor every time she'd committed adultery with someone's husband or stole a man. She was doing to other women what she'd felt her sister had done to her. She'd kept up her reckless behavior even after months of pleading for forgiveness from Chyna. Eventually she'd finally forgiven Chyna for marrying Cordell, her Cordell. Or perhaps she hadn't."
-from the book, Somebody Sinning In My Bed by Pat G'Orge-Walker
Pat G'Orge-Walker is the Essence bestselling author of Somebody's Sinning In My Bed, Somewhat Saved; Cruisin' on Desperation; Mother Eternal Ann Everlastin's...; Sister Betty, God's Calling You, Again!; and contributed a short story to several anthologies. Being a preacher's kid gave her a quirky perspective on church, inspiring her to create a one-woman comedy show centering on Sister Betty, whose unchristian-like behavior blocks her blessings. Join us in taking a inside look into the making of Sister Betty and the books.
Ella: Tell us about your passion for writing. Why do you write? What drives you?
I believe my love for words play an integral part in my passion for writing. I need to write as much as I need air to breathe. It is like being constantly pregnant and needing to deliver.
Ella: Finish this sentence- My writing offers the following legacy to future readers...
...permission to be different in the face of naysayers. There were times when I was faced with the challenge of delivering God's message through humor. Of course, laughter, although permitted through scripture, didn't seem to connect with those staunch Saintly folks. Never let anyone step on your creativity when your creativity is to enlighten and provide entertainment.
Ella: Where are you from? How did you start your writing journey?
I am from Mount Vernon, New York. My writing journey began in elementary school and was mentored by my third grade teacher, Ms. Bobbie Madison.
Ella: Give us the synopsis of the book being discussed, Somebody's Sinning In My Bed.
Pat G'Orge-Walker delivers a wickedly funny, uplifting novel of love and betrayal...good karma and bad karma...sin and redemption
Chyna and her sister Janelle are always moments away from a catfight. They love each other, but Janelle has never forgiven her sister for swiping her first love, Cordell. That was ages ago, and now Chyna is showing off as the First Lady of New Hope Assembly, a church that's caught between the old ways of Holiness and new ways of serving its community. New Hope's leader, Reverend Grayson Young, is also the infamous Sweet Bush lounge, an establishment well-known for adult pleasures.
With the church congregation running wild in the aftermath of her husband's scandalous behavior, Chyna turns to her sister Janelle for guidance. But if Chyna thinks she's getting sympathy from Janelle, she'd better think again, because Janelle's got her own crisis. And when Cordell suddenly comes back into the sisters' lives, what follows are squabbling, chaos, and surprises that show just how hard the road to salvation really is...
Ella: Who are your two main characters and what do you like most about them?
The main characters in my book are two sisters; Chyna and Janelle. What I like about Chyna is that she finally resolves to not think less of herself than God does. What I like about Janelle is her fire. Janelle's a person who loves deeply and that makes her dangerous on several levels. However, Janelle is also able to suck on a pigfoot while drinking Cristol and make it look classy.
Ella: What makes your book stand out and would entice a reader pick it up?
My books are pretty much known for their covers. The fire red cover, shy-yet flirty female and the church steeple are strong images. I also think the title is provocative; Somebody's Sinning in My Bed.
Ella: Ultimately, what do you want readers to gain from your book?
I want the reader to remember that we're birthed in complexities and need. Life is a journey that will make you or break you. If the reader can remember that God is always in control and whatever you go through...God's got the end already tied up and gift-wrapped for you if you walk in faith. However, one should never play with God; a reprobated mind is a terrible thing to have. And finally, one should never think less of themselves than God does.
Ella: What is the most surprising thing you have learned in creating books?
The most surprising thing I've learned to date is that readers come in all shapes, colors, sizes and persuasions. You cannot please them all and that can be quite sobering if you rely solely on the reader for inspiration. So you must write for you and remain honest in what you write.
Ella: What would you say has been your most significant achievement as a writer?
I believe my most significant achievement as a writer would have to be the across the board, in terms of gender, race, secular and Christian acceptance of my work. It's a great reward in and of itself.
Ella: What advice would you give a new writer?
I would advise a new writer to study their craft, pray often and surround yourself with like-minded people. Also in getting representation make sure they are reputable and don't jump at the first person/agency to say they can make you a star or get your books published.
Ella: Name 3 things that it takes to make a successful author, in your opinion?
Three things that make a successful author in my opinion are: (1) the ability to craft a good story that the reader won't have to read two-three times to get its meaning. (2) Have a marketing plan that is doable and then do it along with prayer. (3) An honest relationship with your editor is key.
Ella: What can we expect from you in the future?
I will have one more book coming out in 2010. It is tentatively titled, "Jessie's Jewels." After that there will be more stories involving Sister Betty and her zany cohorts.
Ella: Share with us your latest news, awards or upcoming book releases.
I'm currently working on my next novel and eagerly awaiting the BEA where Somebody's Sinning in my Bed will debut before it's August 2009 release. Of course, I'm still out and about performing and traveling with my Somewhat Saved Comedy Show.
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ISBN-10: 0758235402 | ISBN-13: 9780758235404
Kensington/Dafina Books © 2009
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