28 Oct A National List of Programs for African American Girls

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Are you an African American parent with a daughter who needs additional guidance and encouragement?  Are you a worker of a community agency that is responsible for placing teen girls in programs that teach basic social skills? There are numerous organizations and programs in our country seeking enrollment of young African American girls, and struggling to fill open slots.  Many of these programs are free! 

African American girls are quickly finding themselves in a critical danger zone. Parents, educators, and social service agencies are throwing in the towel due to frustration.  The frustration stems from the fact that they need help with our girls, but are having difficulty finding organizations to assist in empowering and equipping girls with high self-esteem, self-confidence, and the self-love that they so desperately need. 

There is new National Listing of Programs that encourages the participation of African American girls/Black girls within the United States.  Along with the listing of programs, parents can find helpful articles, resources, and links to positive online websites and magazines geared toward inspiring and empowering African American girls and teen girls. 

Many African American Girls are longing for structure and supervision.  For some, circumstances and misfortune beyond their control leave them in dire need of people who genuinely want to help them succeed. 

The government is providing aid and grants for non-profit organizations, churches, and mentoring programs.  The sole purpose of the assistance is to reform and support the lives of at risk youth.  However, government aid is unjustifiable if the programs continue to offer services that are continuously pressed for participants. 

Assistance is available. Our country cannot afford to leave our girls to fend for themselves, nor can we afford to throw money away in unsupported programs.

To view Afro Puffs and Ponytails' National List of Programs that encourage the participation of African American Girls, please click here.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55