28 Oct Top News of the Hour - Good News Prohibited

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When ordinary people in our society perform good deeds or services that are commendable and extraordinary, the media seldom has the space to publish it or the time to broadcast it. However, to report about celebrities, the rich and famous, or corrupt politicians going about their usual scandalous lives, ding-ding-ding! The media considers them as the jackpot for top news of the hour. 

Let's face it. A vast number of magazines, TV shows, popular internet sites, and radio stations report routinely about criminals who commit dreadful and unacceptable offenses. Many of the reports actually equip would-be perpetrators with new ideas.

Yes, we need to be aware of the not so pleasant people and terrible things happening around us that may possibly affect us, but we should give more time and recognition to the average, everyday, hardworking people who are the backbones of our communities.  

"Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." (Philippians 4:8)  

"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he." (Proverbs 23:7)  

As a nation, we should make every effort to remove the spotlight from hopelessness and despair and redirect our attention to the muscle and pride of our communities. Let us report on upstanding citizens, their accomplishments, and achievements.  

Here are just a few of the many people whom we should recognize on a regular basis and regard them as breaking news every hour.  

  • Grandparents raising their grandchildren.
  • Custodians and waste management workers who work to keep our businesses and towns clean.
  • Military members who serve our country and risk their lives to keep it safe.
  • Teachers who make a positive difference in the lives of our children.
  • Daycare workers who handle our most valuable assets.
  • Youth who obey their parents and consistently do well in school.
  • Fathers who love their families in words, thoughts, and deeds.
  • Firefighters, law enforcement personnel, and city maintenance workers who serve the community 24 hours a day.
  • Secretaries, nurses, and farm workers giving more to their jobs than the compensation they receive and the list goes on. 

I urge everyone to take a few minutes of your time today to recognize and praise at least one individual for his or her work in our community. Begin to acknowledge and appreciate the good of those around you. Share positive affirmations and dwell on them daily. Detest listening to music that exploits and demeans. Refrain from reading stories that stifle growth, invoke fear, and crush our hopes. Let's make good news, praise, and recognition the top news of the hour today and everyday. 

Kim's idea of appreciation and recognition is evident on her website, established for inspiring young African American girls. Visit Afro Puffs and Ponytails at http://www.afropuffsandponytails.com/

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55