23 Sep Support Justice at our Black Community Press Conference!

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Dear Supporters:

A Community Press Conference will be held at the African American and African Studies Community Extension Center located at 905 Mt. Vernon Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43203, Friday, September 25, 2009 from 10:00 to 11:00 AM. 

We need you to attend this Press Conference to show your support for the 1. reinstatement of Dr. Judson Jeffries as the center director, 2. the OSU African American and African Studies Community Extension Center and 3. the Black Community. 

The Ohio State University will not be able to steal the 1 Million Dollars raised by Dr. Jeffries for the AAASCEC expansion and programming from the Black Community; continue to disrespect the AAASCEC Advisory Committee of well respected community leaders, and to reframe the issue of the removal of Dr. Jeffries from the center director on 8/31/09 as a personnel matter.  Does President E. Gordon Gee, Dean Joseph Steinmetz, Dr. Mac Stewart, Dr. Joyce Beatty,  Dr. Anthonia Kalu, Judge Alegenon Marbley, and Alex Shumate, think the Black Community is stupid???  Please visit the following website to get the full story: http://www.bluenile-radio.com/bnr_news_osu1.htm or http://wbsinccd.tripod.com/justice4aaascec/

Justice delayed for one day is justice denied too long!! Black Leadership must lead, follow or get out of the way.

Charles E. Campbell,  Cycle Six Graduate RMICL

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55