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Cheryl Jackson moves with intelligence, stealth and black power. She grew strong in the shadows and is poised to become Queen of the bosses.

Cheryl Jackson code name: UNDERCOVER SMART.

Let me tell you a true story about how a black woman grew strong in the shadows and is a storm with her own thunder.

Once upon a time on the South side of Chicago in the year 2000 and beyond black men and black organizations ruled the south side of Chicago. Black organizations, politicians and minister/leaders roamed, divided and ruled over the Chicago's south side like black warlords and black giants.

The citizens of Chicago treated black organizations, politicians and minister/leaders like movie stars and gods.

In complete contrast to how the public treated them, they treated their black women like designer showpieces, window dressing and background music.

The year is 2000 and beyond. It is an era of quantity over quality. It was an era when black women were only required to be pretty, young, and shapely.

The prettier the woman on the black politicians or minister/leaders arms the more respect and attention he sought and got.

While the black woman represented in the background as sex objects, black politicians, black organizations and black minister/leaders divided up the south side of Chicago into political groups, territories and clicks.

They carved out territories like gang members and ruled the south side like Mafia bosses.

In the Chatham area on the south side of Chicago nothing got built without permission from the Commission while the east side of Chicago was run by The South Shore Click.

The South Shore click was the most notorious click of them all. The South Shore click were experienced political players in the game.

The South Shore click boasted and hosted political made members like Gus Savage, Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama, Mel Reynolds and James Meeks. Jesse Jackson Sr. was the "Godfather".

Jesse Jackson ruled as godfather over the South Shore click and the minister/leaders spiritual click.

The minister/leaders would decide who would be the spokesperson for their click by selecting who had the most members in their church. Political godfather Jesse Jackson Sr. would give the blessing and make the final decision.

Jesse Jackson gave his blessing to Bishop T.D. Jakes to be the lead out man. Jesse Jackson made his blessing an official decision by publicly referring to T.D Jakes as the largest tree in the forest.

T.D. Jakes was given the honor and recognition as the largest tree in the forest because he had more church members than the rest of the ministers.

As powerful and notorious as the South Shore political click was they knew better than to make any political power moves across 47th street heading west.

The supreme Godfather of them all ruled 47th street to the west. His name was Bobby Rush.

Bobby Rush is so beloved by the black people in his territory and beyond that he did not have mere constituents; he had voting armies and legions of hard-core, die-hard supporters and believers.

Bobby Rush's voting armies and legions of hard-core, die-hard supporters and believers made certain that nobody touched or dirted up the man.

Guarding and protecting the perimeter of Chicago's black political and cultural existence were black organizations.

NAACP, Operation Push, The Dusable Museum and The Chicago Urban League without design held strategic geographical locations that suppressed and held together the internal boundaries and territorial cracks created in the black community by the division from political forces.

Black organizations were located through-out the south side in a manner that surrounded and fortified Chicago's south side.

The mother ship and flagship of all the black Organizations was The Chicago Urban League. The Chicago Urban League stood as the protector, provider and last line of defense on the south side of Chicago.

The Chicago Urban League possessed real power, authority and capability. The Chicago Urban league had the power, authority and capability that no other black organization had.

The Chicago Urban League had the power, authority and capability to reach into white America's treasure chest of educational loans, employment opportunities, well paying jobs, justice, fair play and equality for all blacks in Chicago.

The sight of the Chicago Urban League standing day after day gave African Americans proof through the night that our flag was still there.

As the world turned so did the will and desire of the people. African Americans began to want substance and depth instead of just style and charisma. The era of quantity over quality had come to an end.

By the year 2005 the FBI had moved in against the South Shore click. Gus Savage had died, Mel Reynolds went to prison, and Jesse Jackson Sr. and James Meeks would betray Roland Burris.

Barack Obama got politically stabbed in the back by his own crew and he is left for dead upon the political highway. Bobby Rush's people up and out of harm's way elevated Bobby Rush to the halls of power.

The U.S.A informally accuses black organization and minister/leaders of treason. DuSable Museum sells out the African American classification to the Mexican Fine Arts Museum.

After years of protecting, providing and serving as last line of defense, the Chicago Urban League was forced to lower its flag and surrender to being obsolete in a era of education and digital technology.

As America moved further and further away from the industrial age, computer age, and information age and into the digital age the memory of the Million Man March becomes the black man's Custer last stand.

As the 21st century sets in the black man would go the way of the buffalo and all but disappear from the landscape of America.

Intellectual rights has replaced civil rights and America has ceased doing business with the black man. The death blow comes when James Compton, President of The Chicago Urban League announced that The Chicago Urban League would be canceling the yearly job-expo because there were no jobs.

The Chicago Urban League has suffered its greatest defeat. News of the job fair cancellation signaled to the south side of Chicago that it was now every man for himself and God for us all.

James Compton the last black man standing lowered the flag and surrendered The Chicago Urban league over to the intellectual demands of the 21st century and beyond. The Chicago Urban league surrendered in defeat and disgrace.

It was a dark day for The Chicago Urban league. It was a dark day for Chicago. It was a dark day for us all.

Cut off from white America's resources African American morale hit bottom and hope of resurrection was quickly fading. The surrender meant that African Americans are going to perish in the 21st century for the lack of knowledge and access to white America's resources.

Lowering the flag and surrendering was too much for one black woman to watch and bear. Her name is Cheryl Jackson.

In the year 2006 and beyond Cheryl Jackson accepts the position, challenge and responsibility to become president of The Chicago Urban League in the 21st century.

As far as the old guard and black political bosses are concerned Cheryl Jackson is just another meatball on the grill. Cheryl Jackson is expected to be a token president put in place to ease white America refusal to deal with a black man.

At her presidential welcome party the entire fake, phony and has-beens showed up with insincere well wishing and picture taking. It was a very pretentious affair because no one took her seriously.

As the fake, phony and has-beens gathered around Cheryl Jackson they had little hope of her succeeding because word was already spreading that The National Urban League would not be supporting her presidential endeavors.

All bets were down that she would get anywhere without support from her own National Urban League Organization.

Cheryl Jackson was positioned to fail. Cheryl Jackson‘s job and assignment was to be a showpiece; window dressing and a figurehead while the fake, phony and has-beens micro-manages her presidency from the shadows.

The old guard and black politicians made a fatal miscalculation by not recognizing that Cheryl Jackson represents an era of quality over quantity.What the fake, phony and has-beens didn't know or realize was that Cheryl Jackson is UNDERCOVER SMART!

Their self-serving egos could not recognize her intellect, substance and depth. They could only see her pretty face and shapely figure but Cheryl Jackson had a plan that would show them the error of their thinking and ways.

By the year ending in 2009 Cheryl Jackson is now the strongest player in the game. She moves with stealth, she is inventive, intuitive, focused, firm but gentle.


Without support from the National Urban League Organization Cheryl Jackson cleverly devised a way to borrow the money to bankroll her vision and operation.

She recruited outside investors for her "Project Next Plan." Instead of jobs she focused on building business and education. Her "Project Next Plan has graduated more than enough success stories to prove its worthiness and effectiveness.

She quietly hangs out with President of The United States of America Barack Obama at meetings when he is in town while other dignitaries wait for him to show up at O'Hare airport plane hangers.

She is soft targeted by the news cameras as someone you should know but you don't see her though. You don't see her standing right in front of you because she moves without making a sound. Cheryl Jackson moves UNDERCOVER SMART.

She quietly spear-headed a secret meeting with south side community leaders and residents that will determine set-construction contract asides for black people if and when the Olympic games come to Chicago.

She writes articles for the Chicago Defender Newspaper that make articles by other commentators read like school essays. When criticized by the fake, phony and has-beens she takes no prisoners. She told powerful black politician Emil Jones to shut up.

She told Senator James Meeks to stop talking like a slave when he praised the increase in food stamps over having your own business. Cheryl Jackson doesn't cry, whine and complain to the media or hold ego driven press conferences. She takes care of business on the spot, face-to-face and eye-to-eye.

Cheryl Jackson's brilliance and outstanding performance at the Urban League 2009 Convention was no exception.  

Cheryl Jackson is a storm with her own thunder and she is running for senator of Illinois. She is running for the one seat that only the black bosses get to sit in.

Carol Mosley Braun sat in that seat; Barack Obama sat in that seat and as of this writing Roland Burris is sitting in that seat. Cheryl Jackson is the only female and black person running for that seat against 4 white men that dream, wish and desire to also become bosses over black people in Illinois.

If Cheryl Jackson becomes Senator Cheryl Jackson from Illinois she will sit in her seat as QUEEN OF THE BOSSES AND A STORM WITH HER OWN THUNDER.

Get Undercover Smart and make it happen for Black America .

Enoch Mubarak
President & CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55