21 Aug Ohio State University African American and African Studies Community Extension Center and the Black

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Dear Friends and Colleagues:
OSU African American and African Studies Community Extension Center and the Black Community is Under Attack:
Please visit the following website: http://Justice4OSUaacec.tripod.com/ to find out about the attack on the African American and African Studies Extension Center and its Director, Dr. Judson Jeffries and how you can help us fight this. 
We only have until Monday, August 31, 2009 to DEMAND that Ohio State University President, Dr. E. Gordon Gee reinstate Dr. Jeffries and stop this blatant attack by the New Department Chair, Dr. Anthonia C. Kalu.  She appears to be on a personal mission and her actions appear to unethical.  Did she consult the Extension Center's Advisory Board or the University Oversight Committee before firing Dr. Jeffries?  Does Dr. E. Gordon Gee support her actions?  Call him for your answers!!!!  http://Justice4OSUaacec.tripod.com/


Charles E. Campbell, Cycle Six Graduate of RMICL
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55