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Let me tell you a true story to be foretold.
In the year 2009 a black sister from the front-line of the African American existence named Paulette Doris Roca came in from the battlefield with her report of the conditions on the ground.

Her report was received by General Enoch Mubarak head of the B.R.S.C.C. (Black Race Strategic Command Center for Defined Intelligence.)

On 7/23/2009 11:14:20 AM the following is sister Paulette Doris Roca report from the front-line in real-time.

I see something terrible wrong, when a New President comes into reign, and 30 % of this country is without jobs. No more Blaming Bush, take the reigns, Soon it will be the have's against the have not.

Black America prepare. We are headed into some deep shytt and I heard that it's going to get worse. I can see it coming.

You are going to need these young ones if you want to survive. You will not stand a chance if you walk alone. What are you going to do ????? Black Man.

I got to go. Talk to yall later. Mr. Mubarak, no one is reading, no one is reading.
Sister Paulette Doris Roca

8/2/2009 4:51:16 PM
In response and in support of sister Paulette Doris Roca report from the front-line the B.R.S.C.C. formulates a strategy to prepare for what is to come in 3 years or less.

The B.R.S.C.C. issues all encompassing Internet strategic declaration alert to Black men declaring:

BLACKMAN STOP GETTING TREATED LIKE A BALD HEAD- TAKE BACK BLACK HAIRCARE. http://blackauthors.ning.com/forum/topics/837758:Topic:96391


Three years from today in the year 2012 the black man kisses his black woman goodbye and leaves your side to face the most sinister force in his known existence.

The black man must face and do battle with the negative global perception of his image as being a baldhead.

In his efforts to forge for him and his family a prosperous 21st century existence of good health, food, shelter, clothing and transportation he must face and defeat a force determined to never let that happen.

The black man faces a force in the year 2012 that swore never again shall a black man nor his sons rise to such heights of power to rule and over throw the ideals and principles of the birth of a nation.

The black man armed with the intellectual strategy of Undercover Smart and epuiped with defined intelligence faces and does battle with the sinister forces fuelling the negative global image of the black Man as a image to be disregarded and disrespected.

The sinister forces are summarily defeated by the black man's new, improved and fortified Undercover Smart image.

The strategy of Undercover Smart as presented and prepared for the black man by the B.R.S.C.C. in the year 2009 restored the black mans image and confidence prior to his fateful confrontation awaiting him in the year 2012.

Thanks to the real-time front-line report from the sisters holding down the front-line in 2009 the black man armed with Undercover Smart defeated the sinister forces in the year 2012 and carved out for himself and his family a new legacy.

In the year 2012 your blackman returns home to you later that day and every day after that day with the smell of confidence and victory. He stands before you as a black man with a strong and positive image proclaiming his victory over image negativity.

After years on the front-line black women are finally relieved of duty and able to rest.

When the black man is done thumping his chest and he now stands before you expecting and waiting for your approval you lovingly walk over to him and say:

So you finally grew some balzzs.
You should have made your stand about three post (years) ago.

Sister Paulette

Read Undercover Smart today and be prepared for tomorrow.

Enoch Mubarak
President & CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55