31 Jul The 4 Main Killer Hurdles Which Are Keeping You From Online Success

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The 4 Main Hurdles Which Are Keeping You From Online Success


As we all know each and every day hundreds of new affiliates enter the market, all making the #1 mistake of not building their business first.


But once you have decided what type of business you will be conducting the next thing to do is get started - but this can be a challenge in itself, because beginning marketers and start-up business owners are faced with four main hurdles that they have to overcome, that slow down the process and your earnings as well.


And people often focus on the wrong things when they are building their online business. The idea is to have a website that will bring you endless amounts of visitors, to purchase your products.


  • Failure to Prepare
  • No or Substandard Website  
  • No Traffic to your site
  • No Buyers List


These are the 4 main hurdles which are keeping you from quick starting your online business, because all of these things take time to build up, and believe me when you hear of marketers making 10k in 3 weeks it’s because they have usually been in business longer than you think.


Eliminate the 4 main hurdles which are keeping you from online success and you will be on your way to successful online business.

So, lets look at these problem Hurdles

Hurdle #1 - Failure to Prepare--

By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail. Build your business before you start-but how??  First decide on what type of business you will be conducting—you should do your homework and see which NICHE you would like to enter. You will need to build your website around your theme.


Before you do anything you should already have your website set up and have chosen your Niche market-make sure that your website is search engine friendly…So you need a solution that will allow you to get you business up and running in as little time as possible. This will allot you more time to concentrate on the marketing side in your business.


Remember the most important thing is to prepare your business-- you wouldn’t move into a new house or apartment without renovating first would you? So prepare your business, make sure that your website is functional and you have everything in place before you start.


Hurdle #2–No or Substandard Website 

You don’t need a GREAT LOOKING SITE-looks and feel are one thing but functionality is another, make sure that your site is functional, that is the most important thing. Make sure that all of your links are working properly and that your website is optimized for search engines.


And most marketers will tell that in on order to make real money on the Internet you will need a website. One place where you can get a great FREE website is at http://www.templatemonster.com. This is a very good place to start if you are having trouble getting your own site together. Or you might want to try http://wemp-solutions.org. Here, if you are a member you get a network to advertise your business. That would eliminate the need for now to build your own site.


Of course it doesn’t stop here--one of the most important elements on your site should be the content that is on it, Google will rank your higher when you have good informative Content posted on your site. Website optimization is a must so don’t forget the on and off page optimization of your site. These are only a few of the things which you must consider when building a functional website, but the most important.


Hurdle #3 - Little or No Traffic


The next problem that you are going to face is driving traffic to your website. This is one of the essential strategies that you must use when you engage in affiliate or online marketing. There are many ways to do this--Google Adwords, Article marketing, free ads, message boards and countless of websites which will allow you to post ads, articles and messages on their site free of charge. But one of the best ways to drive traffic to your site is through social networking where you are in contact with not just one but many different NICHES.


So, how will you drive traffic to your site?


Other than the conventional ways, invite your friends, companies and businesses associates in different niches to visit your website to view or purchase your product or service. Always remember two things-- web traffic and relevant quality content. If these two elements are dominant, then you are on the right path to a successful online business. 


Hurdle #4 - No Buyers List  


Getting your buyers list together is a must when you are selling products or service on the Internet-- but how do you get people to come to your website to buy your product or service? This is where your bread and butter will come from and many marketers will tell you right off the bat that the money is in the list-- this is true, however not only in the list.


Just by having a list will not ensure that you sell your product or service. You can have a large list of potential buyers, but how many actually click on that BUY NOW link to make a purchase? So you need a solution that will help you attract hungry buyers to your site to purchase your product.


I’m sure that these things are sound familiar to you? These are big problems, but they don’t have to be... Your main goal is to completely eliminate these 4 main hurdles which are keeping you from success and quick start your online business.


But there is one more aspect to this whole scenario that you should consider and that is your ADVERTISING efforts--and the best thing to do is to try and broadcast your business to the Internet through such sites as Twitter, WEMP, Youtube, Facebook, Myspace and many more.


If you don’t advertise your business no one will ever know that your company exists-- you can have the best website, with beautiful Images and graphics, but if no one knows that you are out there, what’s the use?


Video marketing is one of the best ways to help you get your message across quicker to your target audience. Let’s face it, people are getting lazier by the day, and people just don’t have the time to read a 25 page sales letter anymore. They only want to get the information as quick as they possibly can to make their decision.

Why broadcast your Business?


Because the rules of online marketing and advertising are changing daily, and conventional websites are not enough these days to get your message out in front of your target audience like you want to. This means that you will have to find alternative methods of advertising your product or service and with the introduction of video and camtasia into marketing and advertising, the scene is getting more and more difficult and many start-up business owners are having great difficulty just keeping up. Thus leaving many marketers and advertisers to rely on Youtube, Myspace and other such sites to get their message out in front of their potential customers or audience.          


So what does all this means? It means that you as a marketer and business owner are going to have to seek new methods to advertise your products or services in 2009. And you need a solution that will put your customers right at your door step, not one where you have to sent them to someone else’s site to view your product or service .


If you want to build a Profitable Online Business, you will have to eliminate these 4 (5) main hurdles. When you broadcast your business you reach far more potential customers than the conventional way will allow, by the time you get your site up and running, learning how to drive traffic to it and building a buyers list, you will have spent much more time than you think you have.


All of these things are going to play a major roll in the success or failure of your Internet business and website-- when you broadcast your business you have the chance to tell your target audience just how fantastic your product or service really is. Thus making more sales and earning more money…        


Eliminate these 4 main hurdles, and you will have free hand to concentrate only on running your business, selling your products or services, and watching your business and profits grow by broadcasting your business to the Internet.


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55