22 Jul My interview with Regina Kelly. The woman whom the film American Violet is based on

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Hi this is George Cook of www.letstalkhonestly.com . Many of you may or may not know who Regina N. Kelly is. She is a African American woman falsely arrested on drug charges who refused to take a plea deal and fought back. Her story is the basis of the film "American Violet" now playing in limited release across the united States. I have been honored to interview Regina and some of the things we discuss are:

*What happened the day she was arrested

*How she feels about her country today

*Why she wouldn't take the plea deal

*How her arrest affected her children

*How other than the NAACP no civil rights "leaders" stepped up to help her and much more.

Listen to the interview by using the link below:



Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55