Dwight W. Hayes, AA,BS,MS,
July 21, 2007
My angle is that this is a federal case handled by the Justice Department and the FBI, which is suspected by most to be under political control by the White House.
John Conyers, a Black Democrat and the House Judiciary Committee Chairman, representing the people of Michigan's 14th Congressional District has been trying to investigate the firing of numerous Justice Department prosecutors because of President Bush’s cronyism. According to the Attorney General, Gonzales testimony before the committee, federal prosecutors had not been prosecuting the right cases, which caused their firings. Conyers would like to look into this but is being blocked by the White House.
Michael Vick, a Black, Falcons quarterback has been charged with illegal gambling and abusing pet dogs by the justice department. Gonzales must think this is the right case for a federal prosecutor to process and Presidents Bush and Chaney must think this is the right case for the National Press to frenzy over because it is happening under their watch. Since the Vic matter is much more serious then Paris Hilton arrest, black people stand to take a stereotype shellacking in the white own Press. But I wonder why? Could this be a smoke screen to cover Harriet Myers’s refusal to even show up before a Black-chaired Congressional hearing after subpoenaed. Can a Black man like the Honorable John Conyers even think about subpoenaing white women like Harriet Myers to his hearing?
Presidents Bush and Chaney are banking on ‘white supremacy’ to trump the United States Constitution and American people to be too dumb to notice what is really going on. Does all this boil down to Conyers being another upstart Nigge… In the presents of Superior White power? Is this double en tundra, race card, the White House trumping Conyers subpoena for Myers with the Federal arrest and prosecution of Michael Vic a racist’s sick joke? Are the American people so dumb that they cannot fill-in the dots? These are the questions one must answer before taking the appropriate action/ reaction.
Clearly, the people will have to support John Conyers’ in his efforts to investigate and prosecute the presidents’ cronies by what ever means necessary to getting the job done. The people will face an uncooperative White House aristocracy. John Conyers will have to impeach the President and Vice President of the United States of America for obstruction of justice and the people will have to back him up before all is said an done.
The lack of Federal over sight explains why a dog fighting ring and a black quarter- back’s involvement have become more important than the billions of tax payer dollars missing, millions of presidential election votes uncounted, the suspension of the right to a Writ Of Habeas Corpus, the gulags of Guantanamo Bay, and Abu Ghraib and the inability of FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency to save the lives of thousands of poor black and white people in the New Orleans during hurricane, Katrina.
The Honorable John Conyers, Jr Representing Michigan' 14th District
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