22 Jul Soul Food Cooking: 5 Most Frequently Asked Questions

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Soul food recipes have enjoyed a tradition of down-home cooking and what we affectionately call comfort food. People in the south, especially African Americans see it as the holy grail of eating and good times.

It's used to celebrate, comfort and even heal, that's how important it is. But because of the tight economy more people choose to cook more meals at home and save money (25% -75%) rather than eating out.

The problem is most of us like soul food , but in this fast-food age less of us know how to cook those magical meals our grand mothers and great-grandmothers cooked with ease. If you're a new mother, wife, single man or house-husband you may have this desire or need to cook. But you may lack the mental tools and skills to pull it off.

Fortunately the internet has dozens of soul food recipe sites with those favorite dishes you enjoyed since you were a child. You know, the one's your great-grandma used to prepare for holidays, birthdays and special occasions. That's good news, but you may be one of the millions of "recipe challenged". Meaning you can read a recipe, but the results always turn out between weird looking and out-right disaster.
Don't panic, here's 3 ways to cook soul food recipes more confidently.

1. Know Your Cooking Terms.
This seems like a simple issue, but it may surprise you how much this will add to your cooking confidence. Plus, it may surprise you how many people don't know the correct cooking terms in a recipe, but think they know. For example, do you know the difference between mix and fold? Many cooks don't.

As a result, not knowing the difference between those two cooking terms is the difference between a scrumptious dish fit for a king or queen or garbage a starving dog wouldn't eat. I recommend getting a cooking dictionary or at least a book of cooking terms. When you come across a recipe term you're not sure of you can immediately look it up. By doing this simple action, you'll be a recipe expert in no time when it comes to cooking terms.

2. Know Your Seasonings.
If one skill defines soul food , meaning how to enjoy it and how to cook it, it's the seasoning. Knowing how to season and what to season with what food is one of the hallmarks of a good cook, especially when it comes to southern food.

Here's another tool that can give you a quick start and give you quick confidence. Get a soul food seasonings dictionary, available online. This will show you what seasoning go with what dishes at-a-glance. This information will help to make your cooking mistake free.

3. Know Your Measurements.
This is one of the quiet but important keys to cooking with confidence. Traditionally our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used quess-timates based on their experience. For example, a dash of this, a pinch of that. To give you quick confidence when preparing any recipe, get these 3 important - but inexpensive tools. A measuring cup, measuring spoons and a small scale.

By using these simple tools you'll have the confidence your measurements are accurate and your portions are right. They will save you the cost of the recipe failures you have to throw in the garbage can. That cost savings alone is worth the small investment, Don't you agree?

By following these simple tips your cooking confidence will increase each time you apply them. The soul food recipes you choose will turn out more like the ones you see in the book or on the website for a change. In addition, they'll taste more like you imagined them to be.

See the Top 20 soul food recipes chosen by readers this month, plus watch soul food experts cook the most popular soul food dishes and watch the recipes come alive Free Soul Food Recipes
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55