29 Jun Haven't succeeded yet? Are you in the wrong business? Take this test.

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Multitudes of home-based businesses exist and more pop up everyday. Most people starting out ask the wrong question and that question is "what business should I go into?" The key question to ask yourself is "What do I like to do?" That's the key element over and over.

Successful people find the one activity they love to do, whether they receive money or not. The strange part is, when they do what they truly love to do ... the money follows.

Haven't succeeded yet? Are you in the wrong business? Take this test.

Get a pen, a sheet of paper and write down at least 5 answers to the questions below. Take your time.

Key questions to ask yourself is ...

1. What kind of business would I do if money were no object?

2. What kind of job or business would I choose if I had to do it 12 hours a day ... 6 days a week?

3. What are my top 5 hobbies?

Next look over your list and choose the top three answers to each question. Now put the list away for a day or two to give your mind time to absorb the information.

On day two sit down again, look over your list and ask yourself the three key questions again, then pick a winner for each question.

Now look at the three answers. Can you combine your three answers into a single business? If you can that's the business you should be in. You've taken a step most business people never take. Congratulations!

Now look for a company that can help you do that business or start it yourself. Either way you'll have a good chance of succeeding because it's something you like to do.

If you choose a business just for the money, guess what? You'll be more likely to quit from discouragement like most people who choose a business this way.

But if you choose a business you love to do, you're passionate about doing, you'll be more likely to persist. Because persistence is the key to success no matter what the business. You'll discover the money will follow your works of passion. An additional bonus is you'll have more motivation when the going gets tough.

Choosing a business you love will get you over the rough spots, the twist, turns, and the setbacks ... until the money comes.

One last tip: The quickest way to make money is to find something others do not like or have time to do ... and offer to do it for them.

In closing if you do not have money, never -ever let that stop you. The next best thing to money is knowledge and action - get knowledge and take action - and the money will soon follow.

All the knowledge you need to get started is free - if you know where to look. Take your time and choose what is best for you ... long term!

I hope you consider these ideas.
God Bless

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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55