13 May Black Women Entrepreneurs

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There has been so many black women entrepreneurs as far as bath & body care.But only one turned her business into a network marketing/direct selling business.The prices of the products in business like that is pricey,which leaves the lower class out of the equation.You have to be middle or working class to work the network marketing/direct sales business.That means you got to leave the lower class people behind and one day you might come back to help build the community,that is if you haven't forgot about them. But Is network marketing/direct sells is really for black people?There has been 2 black women that became millionaires in direct selling.One in Mary Kay,the other in Warm Spirit.But there's no more Warm Spirit.And now there's Soul Purpose.The others behind the 2 millionaires is also well off,except for the ones in Warm Spirit.What a lose!Do we have to imitate their network marketing/direct sell system to become successful?

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55