12 May A Way to Save on Ink and Print for your business

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Whether we are typing a document or looking at different web pages on the Internet; we might decide to print out the document or the web page itself.  This takes paper, a printer, and of course ink to print out which can cost. When I want to print something from a web page, I usually get a lot of advertisements or pictures that I do not want. I just want the content.

A way to save on ink, money, and print is to use GreenPrint. Let's take a look at GreenPrint.


GreenPrint is a software that eliminates unwanted pages that saves on paper, ink, and money before we actually print.

GreenPrint has a Windows and Macintosh version for free, which is ad-supported, and a paid version that is not ad-supported. GreenPrint can be set up to print a document or web page as you might normally do. A great example is when you find a web page to print, you can go to the File menu toolbar and select Print and GreenPrint is selected as a default for you to choose. Depending on which web browser you choose, you either click on the Print button if it is Internet Explorer or the Okay button if you are using Mozilla Firefox; GreenPrint will appear.

GreenPrint will show each page you have selected to print and the pages that are highlighted in red are considered wasted pages that can be removed.  If you decide that you want the removed page that is highlighted in red to be printed, just double click on it and it will be printed. Also, you can remove pages manually by double click on any page to stop it from printing.

Also, I like the fact that GreenPrint makes a record of everything removed. It shows how much money you have saved by printing only what is need.

Cost: Free
Website: http://www.printgreener.com/
System: Windows XP, Vista, and Macintosh
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55