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Everywhere in the world there is some sort of struggle taking place and everyday bring with it a different number but no where is the casualty rate from bad news higher than in the black communities across this great land but amidst the tragedy of home foreclosures, unemployment, destitution, crime and bad news there-in exist a legion of hard-core African Americans that I call blogtalk radio and Internet TV freedom fighters and diehards.

These blogtalk radio and Internet TV freedom fighters are not the African American that will surrender to crime, ignorance or bad news nor will they stand idly by and let the 21st century roll us up like sleeping bags.

While communicating through an Undercover Smart strategy of real-time front-line reports, blogs and do-for-self messages African American blog talk radio and Internet TV is growing strong in the shadows.

Bad news in recent weeks coming into the B.R.S.C.C. from the African American front-lines in California, Memphis, Tenn., and Chicago, Illinois has made it necessary for blog talk radio and Internet TV to emerge from the shadows to take center stage in our struggle to exist within a 21st century marketing equation that is educationally driven and African American unfriendly.

MEMPHIS, Tenn. - An Associated Press analysis of government data on the 83 federally designated four-year HBCUs shows just 37 percent of their black students finish a degree within six years. That's 4 percentage points lower than the national college graduation rate for black students.

California - Recent studies on prisoner re-entry suggest that, nearly 400 prisoners, A DAY, are being released into the community, with 70% to 90% of them being unemployed because only 20% of the state's employers are willing to hire persons with convictions

The most devastating news of all comes out of Chicago, Illinois. The educational report concludes beyond assumption and supposition that African Americans can't read and the report clearly explains why black men are struggling in colleges.

The reports firmly reveals that the greatest number poor performing highs schools are black with only 2% of the students proficient in math and only 8% in reading out of a national average of 54%.

The facts and figures leaves no doubt that since African Americans cant read that there leaves only two other viable options available to African American existence and advancement: Blog talk-radio and Internet TV.

If surrender, replacement, termination, and annihilation is not an option and if African Americans can talk or act then African American blog talk radio and Internet TV is the way to go and your gateway into the 21st century. Hassen Raheem founder of http://wacptv.ning.com/ declares, "THE TIME IS NOW!"

The education reports quantifying that African Americans cant read was devastating enough but since African Americans can't read they cant comprehend the dire implications or ramifications from the report.

Without a face and a name to illustrate and demonstrate the true impact of the report upon the African American existence the report in and of itself is just a meaningless pile of facts and figures.

Without a name and face added to the report African Americans are content to let people say and think what they want to say or think about them.

African Americans need proof. African Americans need to see someone they know before they believe they can't read. What would happen next would prove to African Americans that figures don't lie and it will put a face and a name to the facts and figures. What African Americans saw and heard brought the educational report to life in real-time.

The following statement that brought the facts and figures from the educational report to life came from the African Americans greatest and loudest advocate for public education.

Senator/Pastor James Meeks the African American's staunches advocate for parity in public education while representing his mega church of over 2000 members had this to say at the Urban League Economic Summit about the African American participation in the economic stimulus package:

"Black people ain't gone get their fair share of the stimulus money"
Senator/Pastor James Meeks

In a televised sermon senator/pastor James Meeks confessed to the nation that people have lost respect for him and now refer to his Church as "THE HOUSE OF IGNORANCE." and that his sermons attracts ignorant people.

Senator James Meeks illiteracy in conduct, strategy and conversation has put a name and face to the educational report and sent blogtalk radio and Internet TV freedom fighters and diehards into overdrive knowing that African Americans now have only 2 options left for survival and inclusion.

The reported conditions on the ground has mandated that blogtalk radio and Internet TV emerge from the shadows, step up the pace and turn up the heat. Below are a few of African American blogtalk radio and Internet TV forums that have taken a position on the front lines:

CBBN ON BLOG TALK RADIO http://www.blogtalkradio.com/CBBN/2009/04/07/Chicagos-Black-Busines-Network-is-Back

Author Book Bag Club ABBC is going live broadcasting from Chicago and international on line. Premiere is slated for Fall 2009.

Black Talk Radio about the Kenyan Book Drive.


TheBLackList a Pan African conversation about the beingness of Freedom.
Freedom is a conversation by free men about being free.

We're Africans ascending, engaged in culturally relevant conversations, business tips, research and activism. We're ready for action.

WACP Multi-Media eCasting EMPOWER-MOVEMENT: - POSITIVE CREATIVE CHANGE - "Get Paid to Advertise Your Business and Talent" .... LIFETIME MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE ..

Of all the African American blogtalk radio and Internet TV forums currently active no one pushes the envelope into the 21st century like http://wacptv.ning.com/

On April 1st, 2009 WACPTV launched a Internet project that allows for you to buy your own TV. Channel, advertise your own product while paying you affiliate profits.

Founder and creator Hassan Raheem left no stone unturned when providing African Americans with viable options to participate in the 21st marketing equation.

WACPTV host a community for readers and writers that love to read and write, blogtalk radio for those that talk better than they can write and Internet TV if you can act better than you read, write or talk.

Freedom of voice is the new weapon of choice. Blogtalk radio and Internet TV is our saving grace if surrendering to poverty, destitution, isolation and ignorance is not an option.

Sign up at WACPTV as soon as possible because I suspect that before long you will go on a waiting list to buy your own TV channel. Get in where you fit in and get in while the getting is good.

I sincerely believe that WACP-TV is headquarters in Georgia but none-the-less tell them Enoch Mubarak sent you and go straight to the top of the list for now.

In my headquarters in Chicago, I make my home at: http://chicagosblackbusinessnetwork.ning.com/
CBBN ON BLOG TALK RADIO http://www.blogtalkradio.com/CBBN/2009/04/07/Chicagos-Black-Busines-Network-is-Back.

Enoch Mubarak
President & CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55