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Bro. Enoch, I understand your premise & points, and while it is useful, it is not new. I would suggest, humbly, that the framing of your argument needs to be examined. First of all, there is no such thing as a "Black ruling class" in this country -- Black folks don't run anything. The experiences of Cosby with NBC, Oprah, etc., Graves at Black Enterprise, etc. make this all to clear. "

The ruling class is all around you and at every level but you don't see them and they don't know that they are there. The ruling class I am talking about is the Ning forum administrators.

The Ning forum administrators are the black ruling class and if they knew they were there a new order would emerge and then my friend you will see the ruling class that you believe does not exist.

We have a ruling class but you don't see them because you and others are to busy looking over the fence at Cosby, Oprah, and all others. .... come with me and let me show you where you are standing in actual time.

Throughout all Internet forums the Ning forum administrators make the rules that you participate by and enforcement of those rules are governed by the power of technology.

However without the benefit of defined intelligence it is difficult to equate that when a person is put in a position to rule and is given the means by which to enforce their rules that person for all practical purpose is a ruler.

When you have many such people that are in the same position to rule but with very different rules and the power to enforce their rules come from the same source then what you have is a combination of different people with the same power to enforce different rules over you. You have a ruling class of people.

The power of technology gives them the power to rule over you as the administrator of their individual forum. They have the power to rate you, give you authority, delete your messages, monitor your comments or ban you from the forum altogether thereby in effect deleting you.

How they can do this to any significant degree or level to be of any consequence to you is because in any given Ning forum that you frequent or are a member of you will find that seldom are you less than six degrees away from separation.

In any given afro-centered forum that you frequent or are a member of you may find at least 6 people from some other forum that you belong to that are also members in other forums you belong to.

Soon someone from the ruling class with defined intelligence is going to make the observation that the working class moves in a pattern and that they are inclined to stick together.

Soon someone from the ruling class with defined intelligence is going to make the connection that the power of technology that allows for your friends to follow you to any Ning site is also the evidence that the power that they all have in common is coming from the same source.

With out the benefit of defined intelligence the administrators can't neither make the connection nor develop an equation to harness the potential of the observation.

Without the benefit of defined intelligence they don't know where they are standing.

Soon however, someone displaying defined intelligence is going to figure out that when they combine defined intelligence with the power of technology it makes their rule absolute.

As absolute rulers the working class is without option.
The working class must obey the rules, come correct or be deleted or outright banned.

The reason the working class don't feel their impact, presence or power of absolute rule and the reason why the administrators aren't benefiting, recognizing or enjoying the impact of absolute rule is because just like you they too are busy looking over, out and beyond.... and not where they are standing.

At present the Ning forum administrators are ego driven and self-indulgent and are primarily focused in on tribal and equal but separate domains. The ruling class has yet to acquire the know-how necessary to connect the dots but when they do a new order will emerge.

The ruling class does not yet have the defined intelligence to align themselves with the power of technology.

The working class need not shake and quiver from the possibility because you too can become an administrator and part of the ruling class. The power source afforded to the black ruling class is non-discriminatory. As a Ning Administrator the power to rule is yours also.

The working class is bound and compelled to submit to the ruling class because only through submitting to the rules set forth by the ruling class can the working class accomplish their mission. The premise that binds the working class to the ruling class evolves around the antidote of: "build it and they will come."

Based upon that premise of: "build it and they will come." the working class builds a web site in a desert of Internet opportunity but now how do you get the people to partake of your discovery?

The solution to the above dilemma is what binds the working class to the ruling class and prohibits the black working class from ever overthrowing or bypassing the black ruling class.

The dynamics that propel the premise "build it and they will come." exist independent of the Forum Administrators. Your working class mission of getting your message out in order to drive people to your web site can only be accomplished through a Ning forum such as the one I am speaking to you from at this moment.

Any messages posted outside the protection of a Ning forum that concerns your working class endeavors is considered spamming and spamming transcends into fines and/or imprisonment so as you can clearly see there is no way possible for the working class to bypass the ruling class and still be heard effectively enough to accomplish their mission.

Whenever you have a message intended to drive traffic to your web site the Ning forums is the highest and best use.

The Ning Administrators do not posess the defined intelligence to harness the power of technology but when they do they will discover and experience the full power of organized media and will come together without ever having to come face to face with each other.

At this point of this discussion I will extend to them the benefit of my defined intelligence and warn them not to attempt to become a force outside of their boundaries because the same source of power that they all share will change the dynamics of the game before organized black forums becomes a threat or force to be reckon with.

If the ruling class has no desire to rule over the Internet then they can make for them a very nice power base right here, right now and off the radar.

It is unfortunate that the ruling class lack the defined intelligence of know-how to partner up with the power of technology but someone, someday will figure it out.

Someday someone will possess the defined intelligence and know-how to conncet the dots, make the connection and implement consistent behavior throughout the black Ning forums

Consistent behavior mandates that whenever a post, action or comment has been deleted or banned in one forum you can pretty well bet that under collective rule the post, action or comment will be deleted and banned on all other forums controlled by the black ruling class of Ning Administrators.

The difference between the ruling class and the working class is that no matter how many videos are available to describe any given event the ruling class will always prefer to read about it.

The black working class however is constantly on the move. Once the working class views a video and they are satisfied that they have the gist of the story, they move on. The video at that point for the working class becomes a seen - scene proposition.

The working class prefers videos because they have no time to read time consuming material unrelated to their individual pursuit or interest. The black working class is like wild horses running wild and free upon the plains of Internet opportunity.

The working class is all about movement, energy, motivation, focus and objectivity. The working class is on a mission and only by accomplishing their mission can they rest in peace or claim success.

The black ruling class on the other hand is all about reading and writing. The ruling class is always reading or writing something. Every inch of every Ning forum has been thought out, drawn out and written out by the ruling class.

The ruling class is constantly thinking, reading, writing, creating and coming up with new rules, ways and angles because they know that the working class are constantly wanting and needing new tools and ideas that give them the edge over the next guy.

The ruling class however has not developed the defined intelligence needed to figure out how to harness the raw and electrifying energy of the working class so for now everyone is doing their own thing.

The working class continue to jump from forum to forum in need for exposure and the ruling class can only see power in the numbers of their members.

Someday, someone Undercover Smart will come along with the defined intelligence required to formulate a plan to organize the ruling class of black forum administrators and show them how to harness the raw power, relentless energy and the forward tenacity of the working class.

One day someone with defined intelligence will be have the know-how to put defined intelligence together with the power of technology but that will only happen when the black ruling class and the black working class stop looking over the fence at Oprah and others... and start paying attention to where you are standing.

Enoch Mubarak
President & CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55