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The 21st century is the coolest generation by far. We have cell phones with 3g technologies that let you see your house from outer space. This generation is about style, technology, communication and transportation.

If you are not locked down, sick and unable to get around then 21st century is the most exciting time to be alive so why not be the best you can be? This is your time and I say live it for all it is worth. I say go for it

In the 21st century of a black president, 3g technology, sleek transportation, boss communication, nice clothes and cool friends, the only thing you are missing is a cool religion.

You need a cool religion because the "fire and brimstone repent and be saved" message has no place among the cool generation of the 21st century therefore you decide to become non-denominational.

It sounds much cooler to worship, give praise, credit and recognition to a deity of past ancestors. It is cooler to believe in the solace of oneness, wholeness, stillness and laws of attraction. Now that you have style, nice clothes, technology and cool friends you consult the Buddha. You choose Islam. You are now one with the universe.

Vibrations, karma, positive thinking, unity and a sense of knowledge that what you put out into the universe is what you get back drive your cool religion. Your cool religion now protects, provides and looks out for you.

I am here to tell you that you are playing with your salvation and... IT IS NOT COOL TO PLAY WITH YOUR SALVATION.

Playing with your salvation happens to you in a moment's notice and within the twinkling of an eye. Playing with your salvation is what happens to your heart and soul in the moment of truth regardless of what spiritual realm of consciousness you exist upon.

In the moment of truth and before realizing what you have said you will call upon the only name by which men can be saved. When your back is up against the wall and the gates of hell appears ready to receive you, you will call out in the name of the Lord but when the crisis has passed how easily we forget what our minds should remember.

When in the company and presence of your cool friends you give the credit and thanks for your positive deliverance to your cool religion of universal love, positive karma and cosmic knowledge.

Unbeknownst to your mind your heart and soul called upon the name of the Lord but with your mind you give the credit to your cool religion for bringing you through. You are playing with your salvation.

When you give the credit for your blessing and deliverance to your ancestors, universal love, positive karma and cosmic knowledge you are denying from which truly comes your strength.

You are denying Jesus to your cool friends. You are playing with your salvation. I warn you that there are ways that seem right unto a man but the ways thereof are the ways of death.

It is not cool to play with your salvation because when God delivers you from a situation your heart and soul realizes the power and truth by calling upon the name of the lord but your new religion ignores the truth of heart and soul.

When guided by the premise of meditation, positive karma and laws of attraction your mind of spiritual enlightenment tells you to return back into the situation from which you have been delivered.

You ignore God's commandment and return back into the situation after escaping the pollution's of the world, because your mind tells you that the word of God is not cool, or it doesn't take all that.

Your mind is playing with your salvation, and you are walking after your own lusts.

In some church sanctuaries of the 21st century it is cool and acceptable to dress down in the presence of the Holy Spirit but when you deliberately, willfully, knowing and with intent dress down to present yourself unto the presence of the lord you are playing with your salvation.

(Read Genesis 4:1-15) and discover that bringing forth less than your best in the presence of the Holy Spirit is playing with your salvation

You have placed your faith in 21st century technology, cool religions of cosmic knowledge, Buddhism, Islam, Universal love and the laws of attraction but why risk your salvation when Jesus tells you that it is not about religion, traditional practices or by good deeds by which men are saved?

Why risk your salvation trying to be cool when Jesus tells you that it is appointed upon man once to die but after this the judgment?

As President of Mubarak Inter-Prizes and a self-professed, fire and brimstone hard-core bible thumping prayer warrior, I am asking you what good is your cool 3G technologies when you need for the most important call of your life to go through but your phone battery is low?

In the moment of truth it will not matter what cool religion you profess or if you are calling the most reliable person you know because in the moment of truth you are not going to rely on karma or the laws of attraction.

Before you place your call you are going to pray to God that the call goes through and your heart and soul will thank God when it does.

When a mother is standing outside a burning building while her babies are trapped inside the fire, she is not going to sit on the ground, cross her legs, burn incense and call upon Buddha.  She is going to call on the name of the Lord for somebody to save her babies.

When your loved one goes under the surgeon's knife you will not satisfy your heart and soul knowing that if it is Allah's will the surgery will be a success. At the moment of truth you are going to pray that God guides the surgeon's knife.

This is not about who has the true religion. This is about truth and the truth is, you are not going to live forever. The truth is that in the end every knee shall bow and declare that Jesus is Lord. Don't play with your salvation Repent and be saved.

Repent and be saved because regardless of what peer pressure is being placed upon your mind because in a moment of truth, shock, genuine surprise, fear, drama or great disbelief your heart and soul will automatically and without notice to your mind cry out in the name of the Lord.

Without giving it a second thought and within the twinkle of an eye your heart and soul will cry out Dear God! Jesus Christ! or My Lord! Pay attention to your heart and soul and hear how many times you call upon the name of the Lord in the course of a day without your mind recognizing it.

Your mind tells you that it is not cool being a bible thumper, but  your mind is playing with your salvation. Listen and take heed this day. Repent and be saved!

Why place your salvation in cool religions when Jesus is telling you that in the end every knee shall bow and confess that I am Lord. Listen to your heart and soul and let your mind be in Christ Jesus. Repent and be saved because it is not cool to play with your salvation.

Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak
President/CEO Mubarak Inter-Prizes


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55