02 Feb Lonely and Vulnerable

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This article is protected under copyright law, and no part of it may be copied, excerpted, or written without it being used in its entirety.  No part of it may be left out.  Further, the user must send notice to the writer informing her that the article is being used.  Lonely and Vulnerable! By Janice Lauderdale @2008.  All rights reserved under the Urban Classic Books banner copyright and New Image Writers copyright seal.





Lonely and Vulnerable!

          Mrs. Peterson was starved for company.  She wanted somebody, just anybody, to visit her.  Her husband of 50 years had passed away over a year ago.  Now, getting through each day was a challenge.  Although she owned her home, the greatest challenge was a lack of finances to meet her financial needs.

          When Mrs. Peterson got a "friendly" telemarketing phone call offering her quick money, she jumped at it.  All she had to do was to sign some papers and the "friendly" voice would take care of the rest.  She set an appointment with the "real estate" agent.

          Just the thought of getting financial relief was enough to keep Mrs. Peterson awake half the night.  The next afternoon couldn't come soon enough.  She was ready. 

          Well, the "real estate" agent arrived as promised and explained the process, at least the one she wanted her to hear.  On that note, Mrs. Peterson signed away her house.  Instantly, she transferred ownership of her home to this agent.   Mrs. Peterson not only got no money but now she had no home.  She was shocked with the news when a Quit Claim Deed she had signed came in the mail.  She was confused, angry and sad, all at the same time. 

          She called on a cousin who tried to help her.  She was desperate because now ownership of her home had been transferred, and she had to move.   

          What you can do to protect yourself or a loved one against such crime:

  • Do not engage telemarketers in conversation.
  • Call the "National Do Not Call" phone number to be removed from the national telemarketing calling list-1-888-382-1222 (TTY 1-866-290-4236). You must call from the number you wish to register. You can also register on-line at WWW.DONOTCALL.GOV
  • Do not give any personal information to a stranger calling you on the phone.
  • Keep your doors locked at all times.
  • Do not open your doors to strangers.
  • Do not stand in your doorway and engage strangers in conversation.
  • Make sure you have someone you trust that knows about your business matters and can speak for you.

This scam could happen to anyone but an elderly person is most vulnerable.  With the aging process, the older person's ability to make sound decisions is compromised.  There are 1.2 million elderly people abused every year, either mentally, physically, emotionally, or financially.

About Janice Lauderdale: She has authored the cutting-edge book Wealth of the Wicked: An American Tragedy of Elderly Abuse, which chronicles her own personal encounter with elderly abuse, a modern-day scourge upon society.  She is acutely sensitive to the abuses suffered by the elderly and is committed to shining a light on this disgrace.  It puts a face on 1.2 million seniors who are abused annually, which illuminates the tragedy.  Contact her at:




Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55