02 Feb Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

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Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

          It's Sunday evening and Mrs. Gray sits shaking her head wondering why her own daughter would do her like she did.  And so I asked Mrs. Gray just what she was talking about.  Her response, "I didn't know she was taking me to a car dealer."  My question to her was whether her daughter had mentioned anything about a car to her.  She answered, no. 

          The story begins a few weeks before.  Mrs. Gray had been hospitalized because of some complications from surgery.  She told me that ever since she was released from the hospital her mind isn't as good as it was.  She's having memory problems.   This is a red flag for any unscrupulous person bent on taking advantage of her.

          So, when she is driven to the car dealership by her daughter and unknowingly signs a contract, she later admitted she had no idea what she had done.  And, her daughter never said anything to the contrary.  Mrs. Gray is worried more than ever.  The loan company is calling and threatening her because her daughter, who promised her she would make all of the payments on time, is now no where to be found. 

          What can Mrs. Gray do now?

  • A mother knows her child. If you are in anyway suspicious that something untoward might happen to you, insist that a 3rd party that you trust accompany you.
  • Do not allow this person to have any control over any of your finances or financial matters.
  • Do not put any of your business papers in this person's name.
  • Do not put them on any credit card accounts, bank accounts, etc.
  • Get a Power of Attorney. Make sure the person you choose is someone you have ultimate confidence and trust in.

          Janice M. Lauderdale has written and published a breakthrough book Wealth of the Wicked: An American Tragedy of Elderly Abuse for the legal and physical protection of the elderly.  It puts a face on 1.2 million seniors who are abused annually.  She can be contacted for more must-know steps and legal means to protect the elderly. Contact her at:





Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55