25 Dec What Barack can Do For Black African American People!

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December 25, 2008

The reduction of Poverty is critical to the empowerment of Black African American People. However, I think there is one other critical issue that has helped to maintain Black African American People in their current conditions. Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States should, using an Administrative Directive, terminate all programs designed to stifle the creativity, innovativeness, and aspirations of Black African American People. The Co-Intelpro policies that affect education, commerce, business, community development and leadership development. The freedom, without interference from government agencies and their agents, will allow Black African American People to do for ourselves, empower ourselves and solve many of our own problems that were created due to a history of enslavement, which produced generational poverty and a survival mentality that help to maintain us in our current condition.

We can compete when the rules of the game are the same for everyone and the playing field is level. Our biggest challenge will be overcoming our need for self-hatred. Our unity of purpose to empower ourselves must be our common bond. We should only demand that President Barack Obama level the playing field in every area of his administration with respect to redistribution of opportunities for government programs, policies, contracts, employment opportunities and access to opportunities where the best ideas rise to the top, not ones history, money, power, influence and political connections. We must not ask for any preferences or special treatment, just the opportunity to compete fairly on a level playing field.


Brother Charles E. Campbell
http://blacknewsanalysis.blogspot.com/ Black College Funding Proposal
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55