17 Dec Save Your Cash Barter Is Better!

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Businesses looking for a way to stave off the effects of a deepening recession need look no further than organized barter.  With an ever increasing number of businesses finding consumer shopping at an all time low, barter trade has become a viable weapon against lagging sales, overstocked merchandise and unused labor.  Participation in a barter exchange can also produce new cash paying customers resulting from referrals generated by other exchange members.  The barter industry’s largest trade organization The International Reciprocal Trade Association (IRTA) estimates that the number of businesses using barter, as well as commercial barter exchanges continues to grow as the recession takes hold.  Current figures of 450,000 active barter traders are expected to swell as more businesses look for some means of turning the tide.

Barter considered the oldest means of commerce known to man, is a process used to exchange one product or service for another without the use of cash.  While a traditional barter transaction would involve only 2 individuals or businesses, organized barter allows these traders to collect points or barter credits that can be spent with any member of the barter exchange.  This process gives individuals and business owners access to literally thousands of businesses trading products and services of every kind.  A business trades their excess inventory, capacity, or labor at full price earning “Barter Bucks” instead of cash.  Barter Bucks are then credited to the businesses account just like cash to a regular checking account.  The exchange is charged with the responsibility of maintaining account records, providing tax reports and monitoring trades among its members.

At a time when retail customers are becoming harder to find and businesses are suffering as a result, every business should take a closer look at bartering.  After all it makes no difference if you sell your product for cash in order to feed you and your family, or trade it for a five course meal at a restaurant; the end result is that your family eats.  Before you consider spending cash for your next purchase I suggest you take a look at what is available through trade.  You may just be surprised at how much cash you can save, how many new cash paying customers you can attract and how to sustain your business during these tuff economic times.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55