03 Jan Why You Don't Need Money!

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So, you are scratching your head trying to figure out how to keep your business going in the midst of “the great recession”.   You’ve tried discounts, special offers and bonuses for the few customers you have, but nothing seems to get those customers willing to pay cash for your product or service back into your business.  It could be that more than 15 million people are out of work and nobody has the cash to spend.  Or, maybe those folks that do have cash to spend have decided to hold on to their cash, just in case the recession drags on for another year or two.  Either way, looking for cash paying customers has become an art these days and most businesses are in the same boat…”lots to offer but few takers”.

Consider this, the value of your product or service is not determined by who can afford to pay cash for it.   Value is determined by the need a business or consumer has for what you sell.  Since that is the case your product or service can always have value, you simply must convert that value.  Bartering allows you to apply this simply principal to acquire things you may want or need.  By converting your unused assets into a valued commodity you can also increase value through cash savings.  These are times when maximizing our value could be the solution to cash shortfalls.

Even the best information and business tools can be rendered useless if they go unused or used improperly.  With an estimated 450,000 businesses and 75% of Fortune 500 companies engaged in bartering, it is fair to say that bartering is effective.  Take the time to learn more about using barter for your business or to ply your professional skill.  You might be surprised at just how valuable you truly are!  To learn more about bartering in an organized barter exchange visit  www.GoBarterLink.com .  

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55