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 Before the  economic bailout situation black people had not one figure about the economy in terms of percentage of job losses, investment losses, mortgage losses or bank closing because if it is not important to white people it is not important to black America.

We now quote the figures provided to us by white America, we harbor their predictions and we concern ourselves with their well-being as it relates to our well-being.

The Chinese, Spanish, Asian, Arab and Indian players are continuing to make their way in the world in-spite of white Americas gloom and doom economic forecast but African Americans ignorantly live, breath and balance the prognosis of their lives based upon every word, announcement, figure or percentage point that spews from the mouth of white America.

How will we ever learn do for self when depending on White America's diagnosis and prognosis? White Americas facts and figures does not accurately reflect what condition your condition is in.

I am not a racist nor a militant but for independent sakes what is our own black analyst predicting for 2009? What does the accounting figures reveal from our own black accountants?

What does the black bank presidents have to say?  Where are the analysis from our black economic and accounting graduates from historically black universities?

What does our local black graduating university sons and daughters have to say as they enter the world of finance, accounting and economics?

African Americans stop tailgating white Americas lifestyle and spending habits. You can't do what they do nor live the lifestyle they live. White America have resources and priviledges that you don't possess.

Stop feeding and trying to grow off of White Americas afterbirth.

Look at what you have working for you not at what you have working against you. For heavens sake black people you have a black president when are you going to show some independence and leadership that determines for ourselves what condition our condition is in?

Enoch Mubarak
President & CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55