13 Dec Rhythm & Blue's Music in 2008

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Today's Rhythm and Blues Music

What has happened to Rhythm and Blues?  I remember when I first heard Janet Jackson's "What Have You Done For Me Lately" single.  I felt a foreboding.  As attractive as the track was, I knew the artistry concerning her individual musicality was almost non-existent.  While she is a performer, (a seemingly great performer amidst the army of dancers, lights, and media barrage), after all these years I wonder if she can just sing a song alone.  If you strip away the tools, would you feel anything?  Hell, leave the tools and tell me what you really FEEL.  There followed Mary J (whom I must admit has somewhat grown in depth) all the way down to Christina Aguilera(the mimicry of soul).  ...................................... Okay NOW......Without going back beyond the 50 year mark, remember Gladys singing "The Landlord" or "On and On"...Aretha's "Rock Steady"...Ms Ross, Chaka, Tina,

I named women because it's where I think the breakdown began.  Concerning men beyond the MJ, Vandross era, I can't imagine more than 2 of the recent celebrates  will be much remembered.  (R Kelly may be notable... but more for his song   writing.)             and Forget about R&B BANDS,............. how could another Earth Wind and Fire ever evolve today?

Well I hope bringing this up at any and every opportunity might spur                            -some consideration of the "music" put out and pushed,  ...                                                 -then some imagining of what could be out there.                                                                     -What you want and need to hear....                                  It's being said...                           If you can't seek it, just keep your ears open and wait for it.  Music is communication so we won't stop talking

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55