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When black Americans are done salivating over the Obama victory you may notice that there is a battle raging between the winners and losers. The losers have launched into an all out assault campaign to derail president elect Obama even before he takes office.  

 The losers have filed lawsuits contesting Obama's citizenship. The lawsuits have made it all the way up to the Supreme court but when the supreme court refused to hear the case the losers turn and arrest the Governor of Illinois-however in their arrest and accusations about the Governor Obama's face is the prevailing media image and his connection to the Governor is the Media main concern.  A blind person can see that the FBI arrest is not about the Governor  

Power is not given; power is taken.

The south is determined to rise again so the battle between the north and south continues. The blacks in the south are under a gag order not to revel in Obama's victory and the blacks in the north are content to accept the merits of the medias investigation of guilt by association to the Governor of Illinois and Barack Obama.  

The losers are going after your black president and nothing will bring them more satisfaction than stopping Obama before he takes office. Don't accept the media version that the Governor is guilty of corruption when history has demonstrated to black people the injustices of wrongful convictions. scores of black people have served 15 to 30 years in prison only to be found innocent.  

 When former Illinois Governor Ryan came to that conclusion and freed the black people off death row they convicted him and sent him to prison for helping black people.  As a matter of public policy any public official especially any white public official that shows a propensity to help black people must be dealt with and severely punished .  The current Governor of Illinois and Barack Obama are on the public policy hit list.

  Thank God that the liberated white people that voted for Obama is fighting back because the black people are accepting and passing on to each other like a virus what the news media is reporting.   However when the liberated white people see that the black people don't have the intelligence, courage or wear-for-all to help their own kind then the liberal whites will get what they can get out of Obama and then throw him to the wolves.  

 Black people either can't or refuse to think or do for them-selves

The white people declare we are in a recession and black people spread the word. There is no recession but as long as the black people feel that other people are suffering too then it justifies black people not thinking or doing for self .   Black people can only be content with their suffering if they feel it is happening to someone else as well because among black people misery loves company.  

Misery loves company is why whenever black people talk about their joblessness, homelessness, destitution, impoverishment, depression, oppression or lack of education they always include the Latinos in their conversation and condition as well. 

 The losers are capitalizing by implementing their strategy by taking advantage of black people's misery loves company mindset.   There is no recession among the Europeans or the Spanish people.  The Europeans simply print more money when the need it and the average Spanish person makes $100,000 a year.   White America is constantly building banks, Arabs and Indians are building and occupying inner city strip malls and the Spanish players are buying the homes that the black people are being forced out of.

  Stop waiting for the white man to share his 700 billion dollars with you or to create a job for you. Stop associating the black dismal condition with the Latinos condition. The Latinos are Spanish players. Economically the Latinos are fairing quite well. The Latinos are on the winning team.

  Black people north and south if your want freedom, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness you must stand up for your existence. Do-for-self .   Create your own jobs and stay in your homes. Saturate your state with small black businesses. The tools you need to fight back with are written in a book that is easily accessible. 

The president needs your help and the best way to help the president is to help yourself.   Read Undercover Smart and get the tools you need to hold back and defeat the forces opposing your freedom, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

 Go to: www.undercoversmart.com and download a job you can perfect into your own small business.  Download the documents you need to keep your house or run your business.  

Even before Obama takes office black people are up against the ropes. We can take only so many hits before we get knocked out. Game over.    

 Enoch Mubarak
President & CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55