25 Nov Opportunity Seeker vs. Entrepreneur

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If you really want to know what stops so many from achieving the business success that they desire, it is falling into the trap of being an opportunity seeker instead of an entrepreneur.

And what really compounds this problem is that many don't realize that they are opportunity seekers and not entrepreneurs.

Opportunity seekers and Entrepreneurs have completely opposite thinking when it comes to building a business and making money.

The Opportunity seeker is constantly looking for the big ‘lick' from a once in a lifetime opportunity, better known as get in on the ground floor, never has anyone had anything like this before, so easy, no work, this is your only chance to get rich, all you gotta do is train 2 people, residual income like this millionaire and that millionaire and your life and your grandchildren will be set forever opportunity of the moment.

The Opportunity seeker's standard for business is low. The only question that concerns them is, "Can I get some money from this?" With that as the criteria it is easy to jump from one opportunity to the next.

The opportunity seeker buys quite a few products and before they can settle in on a solid concept they abandon it for the next "easy' way to money as soon as it show up.

Opportunity seekers avoid investing in their education and learning new skills that could take them to the next level.

Immediate gratification is the way of the Opportunity Seeker.

Now on the other hand, an Entrepreneur has a clearly defined vision for their business. And based on their vision they constantly work on mastering their strengths to give them an "unfair competitive advantage" in the marketplace.

The Entrepreneur is interested in what the market's preferences are and he or she works on strategies to provide value to the marketplace and achieve the vision they have for themselves.

The Entrepreneur knows that opportunity is always present, but they know that the greatest opportunity for them is inside their own businesses and sticking with a solid strategy and not chasing the hot product or opportunity of the day.

When an entrepreneur looks at purchasing a new product or service they first look to see if it fits in with their vision. Will it make their work easier, will it save them time or money. If not they know how to say no thank you.

Opportunity seekers have no vision, no focus, no goals, and in truth they don't want to build a business.

Entrepreneurs have vision, have focus, have goals and nothing pleases them more than building a business that provides value and joy to the lives of others. They love the personal growth and development that comes with growing a solid business.

Opportunity Seeker vs. Entrepreneur

The choice is yours.

Bro. Bedford
'Conversations With Black Millionaire Entrepreneurs'


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55