24 Nov A Modern Day Tuskegee?

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The healthcare establishment of the United States is willfully and secretly committing a travesty that makes the infamous Tuskegee Experiment all but inconsequential by comparison.  This alarming accusation is the crux of A Modern-Day Tuskegee by Dr. David W. Moskowitz. He further asserts, "As in Tuskegee, patients are paying with their lives. Unlike Tuskegee, scientific curiosity isn't the motivation, just greed." Shocking indeed.


In 2002, Dr. Moskowitz published a method to reverse diabetic and hypertensive kidney failure. He declares his treatment works for whites, blacks, and Hispanics, i.e. the entire world.  "Currently, 100,000 patients go on dialysis in the US each year. My method could prevent 90% of whites, and 95% of African Americans and Native Americans, from losing their kidney function."


Dr. Moskowitz' article goes on to explain that he has presented his research to a broad spectrum of the medical research community and while his findings have garnered private accolades they have been systematically buried from general medical exposure. Dr. Moskowitz tested his therapy for 9 years on 1000 patients. "The head of Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield, with over 100 million patients, told me that my 1,000 patients weren't enough."Come back when you have 100,000. Dr Lawrence Agodoa, called my data "beautiful" in a private conference call in early 2004. He said the rules of the NIH, his employer, refused to let him endorse a company. That's the same response the American Diabetes Association gave me, even though they partially funded the underlying research."


Dr. Moskowitz believes he is being ignored because of the financial threat his treatment constitutes to Charity and Research institutions serving the diabetic community. "Only later did it dawn on me that they'd be eliminating 90% of their own jobs along with 90% of their budget, which would terrify any bureaucrat.  Apparently, no non-profit wants to repeat the mistake of the March of Dimes, which cured their raison d'etre in the 1950s, and has been a shadow of its former self ever since."


The indictments made in "A Modern-Day Tuskegee" are provocative and dangerous, even more so because for many they are completely believable. Memories/knowledge of the Tuskegee Experiment has instilled distrust akin to terror of the medical community amongst African Americans for decades. In the midst of catastrophic inaccessibility to healthcare, this present allegation could ignite a breach of trust that could potentially take generations to repair. Our President and our neighbors are faced with reviving a system in imminent collapse. A credible charge of blatant corruption from a system whose primary interest already appears to be profit not people could well prove the back breaking straw.

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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55