09 Nov Computer Training-Traditional Classroom Meets the Internet

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A computer has become just as important as a car. You can live without one, but life is much easier with one. Everything we do now is on a computer: banking, shopping, socializing, and even working. So learning to use a one is vital.

You have several options to choose from when deciding on a training method. The most common is the traditional classroom. Most students find this method the most effective.  While this is true, it is also the most expensive and not always convenient. This has lead to the birth self-pace online training or e-learning.

Because of its convenience, self-paced online training or e-learning has become the new wave of training. From the comfort of your home or office, your can learn at their own pace by accessing materials or videos published on the Internet. Most e-courses are fee based, but you can also find a ton of free materials and resources.

Although utterly convenient and cost-effective, self-paced e-learning lacks the some effectiveness. Most readers do not engage themselves in websites as they do print material. Moreover, students are learning less online due to the lack of in-person interaction.

But because of new technology such as web conferencing, the traditional classroom can meet the Internet. Web conferencing engages students and instructors online. Once connected, users are able to listen to a live presentation, view any material that is presented on their computer screen, and participate by asking questions that can be responded to public or private.  


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55