09 Nov The Vote Heard Around the World - Just Sayin

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Barack Hussein Obama is President-elect of the United States of America. Rejoicing overflows hearts and streets the world over. Change has come to America; it is a bright new day in a shiny new world.


Dictionary.com defines change first as: (v) to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone: There is no doubt we have achieved this change. America will most certainly be different under Mr. Obama's leadership than it has been under Mr. Bush's or would be had we elected John McCain. The door is open; what has been so long deferred can no longer be denied; it can however go unclaimed.


Farther down the listing, change is defined as: (n) a transformation or modification; alteration. We've only just begun. While many are basking in the throes of impossible dreams realized this is still America. The inequities, atrocities, anger, mistrust and fear that have so long been the crux of our relationships at home and abroad did not blow away on winds singing yes we did, they did not acquiesce and join the Rodney King choir in a heartfelt rendition of, "Why Can't We All Just Get Along."


Two days after 52% of Americans voted for change http://abcnews.go.com/US/Story?id=6209255&page=2">ABC reported that gun sales have increased exponentially; storeowners are struggling to obtain stock. There appears to be a pervasive fear, particularly in the western US, that Barack will strip us of our right to protect our home and family. Are burglars the only fear haunting the primarily McCain voters now rushing the gun shops?  Also on November 6th, Jim Quinn, co-host of http://mediamatters.org/items/200811060012?f=h_popular">The War Room with Quinn & Rose, said, "You know, if you were a slave in the old South, what did you get as a slave? You got free room and board, you got free money, and you got rewarded for having children because that was just, you know, tomorrow's slave. So, you got a free house, you got free money, and you got rewarded for having children. Can I ask a question? How's that different from welfare? You get a free house, you get free food, and you get rewarded for having children. Oh, wait a minute, hold on a second. There is a difference: The slave had to work for it." There has been no public outcry; the story has not been picked up by CNN, ABC or the Reverend Al Sharpton. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/04/12/national/main2675273.shtml">Don Imus was vilified and fired for far less. This is still America.


John McCain has never been so eloquent as in his concession speech on Tuesday night; he praised our new president, vowed to serve him and called for unity. Many of his supporters are far less magnanimous and conciliatory. Amid the victory dances and triumphant shouts, indictments were handed down on two men who would see President-elect Obama and as many more African Americans as possible dead. Obama signs burned in a pit; police diffused an altercation between black and white students and a noose hung from a tree on Baylor University's campus while Oprah cried on Mr. Man's shoulder. This is still America.


This morning there are still 3 times as many young African American men in this country's penitentiaries as in her colleges and universities. Today, while our children soar on the wings of Sam Cooke and Martin fulfilled, http://www.noturmommasnews.com/">Read More

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55