23 Oct Sarah Palin paid to look good

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Today everyone was talking about the $150,000 spent by the Republican National Committee to give Sarah Palin a makeover. Her makeover included a $50,000 shopping spree at Saks Fifth Avenue and a $75,000 baby boomer diva trip to Neiman Marcus. According to reports, she also bought her children and husband lavish outfits as well. She continues to receive an $18,000 clothing allowance per week until the campaign is over. After that, her hand-me-downs will be donated to charity.

People I talked to were outraged over this action by the RNC. They couldn’t understand how Sarah could portray herself as a Hockey Mom. Don’t they all shop at Wal-Mart and Target? How dare the Republican Party say they are about helping the middle-class and trying to fix the economy when they frivolously throw away that kind of money!

Personally, I don’t see what the fuss is all about. As I told them, if they didn’t make a contribution to the Republican campaign then they should have no beef. Let the Republicans spend their money any way they choose.  It's up to YOU to make sure this kind of wasteful spending doesn't happen in Washington.  That's why it's even more important to cast your vote on November 4.

Needless to say, I wasn’t very popular today.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55