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A grandstander is someone that performs showily in an effort to impress onlookers. Grandstanders falsely believe that they are committed to the word of God, but upon the moment of truth fail to commit. A grandstander does not have the heart or courage to drink from the cup of suffering. A grandstander will betray your trust in the moment of truth.

In the battle for God's kingdom on earth we shall not be grandstanders. Second Timothy, 2nd chapter, verse 3 urges us to take our part in suffering, as loyal soldiers of Jesus.

Are you a loyal soldier of Jesus Christ? Are you ready to take your part in the suffering? Is your heart strong enough to drink from the cup of suffering? Are you ready to stand for Jesus or are you a grandstander?

Matthews 20:22-23 and Mark 10:35-40 tells a story about a mother that asked Jesus for a favor. The mother asked Jesus if her two sons could hang out and be friends of his. She asked Jesus if her sons could sit on the throne with him and his father. Jesus told the two brothers that they do not know what they desire and were asking.

Jesus told the two brothers that he drinks from a cup of suffering and that in order to hang out and walk with him their hearts would have to be strong enough to drink from his cup. The brothers assured Jesus their hearts were strong enough to drink from his cup. Jesus guaranteed them they surely would drink of the cup. In Matthews 20: 17-19 Jesus tells them where he is going and what is going to happen to him once he arrives.

The response of Jesus to the brothers is extremely clear. If you choose or profess to follow Jesus, then know for certain, you will drink of the cup. If you desire or profess to follow Jesus you must not only talk his talk, you must also walk his walk. Your heart must be strong enough to drink from his cup of suffering.

Peter asks Jesus what would they get in return for giving up everything to follow him. Jesus promised Peter that he could be sure that when the son of man sits on his glorious throne in the new age then you twelve followers of mine will also sit on thrones, to rule over the twelve tribes of Israel.

Jesus gave them a promise to be fulfilled in heaven, but first the disciples had to do their part here on earth. The twelve disciples had to drink of the cup before they could collect on the promise.

The twelve disciples thus began hanging out and walking with Jesus throughout the land preaching and teaching, Jesus teachings. The disciples went throughout the land casting out devils, professing and proclaiming their love for the son of man, but in the moment of truth, the twelve disciples could not commit.

At the moment of truth the disciples ran out on Jesus. The disciples of Jesus deserted him. Peter added insult to injury by denying that he even knew Jesus.

The disciples fled, deserted and denied Christ not because they were cowards, but because in the moment of truth they realized that their hearts were not strong enough to drink from his cup.

The disciples actually believed that they had what it took to sit next to Jesus and his father on the throne; the disciples of Jesus talked the talk, but were not able to walk the walk. They postured, preached and performed, but upon the moment of truth they couldn't commit. Jesus made the disciples a promise in heaven that their hearts upon earth were not strong enough to collect on. The disciples of Jesus the Christ were Grandstanders.

When Jesus returned from the grave he forgave his disciples for their desertion. Jesus also forever cautioned the world with the warning that whomsoever deny me unto man on earth then shall I deny thee unto my father who is in heaven.

Revelations Chapter 3:21 gives us virtually the same promise Jesus gave to his disciples. Jesus promise us that upon our victory that he will give us the right to sit beside him on his throne as he has been victorious and now sits by his father on the throne.

We know that the word of Jesus is unchanging, therefore we also know what Jesus promised to us in Revelation 3:21 is guaranteed, but in order for us to collect on his promise we must first do our part upon this earth. We must do our part upon this earth or forfeit the heavenly promise.

As saints and followers of Christ we have every good intention of collecting upon the promise of Jesus. We have every good intention of sitting under the tree of life in the garden of God, but if the disciples ran out on Jesus, what chance does mere mortals such as you or I have when it is our turn drink of the cup?

It is understandable to have feelings of nervous anxiety, fear or apprehension. It is a daunting and haunting reality, to know that in order to collect on the promise we must first drink from the cup of suffering. Jesus said if you profess to follow me, truly you would definitely drink from my cup.'

How strong must our hearts be to drink from Jesus cup? How strong must our hearts become to collect on the promise of Jesus? What manner of courage does it take to win the victory and collect the promise?

The book of Daniel demonstrates the courage, faith and belief it takes to collect on the promise of Jesus and how strong your heart truly must be.

The book of Daniel 3:1-30 tells about three Hebrew boys that chose to drink from the cup of suffering rather than violate the will of God.

The book of Daniel tells how King Nebuchadnezzar sent word that every nation, race and language in the world shall bow down and worship his golden idol. King Nebuchadnezzar sent word that whomever refuses to bow down before his golden idol would be thrown into a blazing hot furnace.

The King received word that there were three boys that refused to bow. The king was informed that the boys professed their faith, honor, loyalty, commitment and devotion to Jesus the Christ and therefore refuse to violate the will of God.

The boys told the king that it is God's will that we shall not make unto ourselves graven images. It is God's will that we not bow down to worship images or idols. The three Hebrew boys were given a choice; either bow, show allegiance or drink from the cup of suffering. The brothers continued to stand firm and refuse.

The Hebrew boys told the king that God is able to deliver them from the fiery furnace, but if God does not save them, let it be known that we will not serve your god nor worship it.

The allegiance that the boys demonstrated towards God's will so angered the king that he instructed the heat of the furnace be increased seven times over. The three Hebrew boys were tied together and thrown into the blazing hot furnace.

The three Hebrew boys upon the moment of truth chose to drink from the cup of suffering than betray the will of God.

Is your heart strong enough to drink from the cup? In your finest hour will you be hot or cold? In the moment of truth can you commit?

When it is your turn to drink of the cup, will you be the twelve disciples or the three Hebrew boys? Are you standing for Christ or are you a grandstander?

Ministers, choir members and saints, as you shout, scream, and run up and down the aisles of the church, are you standing for Jesus or grandstanding for man?

As you sing out loudly, "I am ready when Jesus comes" are you standing for Jesus or grandstanding for man? When you jump up and down, dance and cry in the pews, are you standing for Jesus or grandstanding for man? Is your heart strong enough to drink from his cup?

The answer to these questions only you and Jesus knows, because only Jesus knows the hearts of men. Jesus knew that Peter was going to deny him and told Peter that he would long before Peter did it. Jesus also knew that the three Hebrew boys would be true to the end, and therefore Jesus was waiting for them inside the fiery furnace.

Jesus now gives you the same promise that he gave to his disciples and the three Hebrew boys. Revelations 3:21 promise; that upon your victory Jesus will give you the right to sit beside him on his throne as he has been victorious and now sits by his father on the throne. Revelations 2:7 promise; to those who win the victory I shall give the right to eat the fruit of the tree of life that grows in the garden of God.

Do you have what it takes to be victorious? Do you have the commitment, fortitude, faith, courage and belief necessary to collect on the promise of Jesus? Is your heart strong enough to drink from Jesus? cup? Are you standing for Jesus, or are you a grandstander?

Enoch Mubarak
President/CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55