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The U.S.A. is all about race and gender. It is nothing personal, that's just the way it is.

For example
America does not want to hear the nightly news from a woman because her voice and demeanor does not register the urgency of the news report and that's why they pair her with a male news anchor.

Only a woman can produce life and that is why no one wants to see a woman in combat and that's why the U.S.A. left no stone unturned to rescue the two women taken P.O.W. at the beginning of the Iraqi war.

No one wants to see two women in a boxing ring beating up each other and that's why celebrity boxing and female boxing never gained ground.

Whether it was a legitimate debate or not America is not pleased to watch a black man debate any issue with a white woman especially when they are forced to watch it and unable to intervene.

If a stranger had come upon the same and identical debate that Obama held with Hillary Clinton at street level the stranger would be hard pressed not to intervene and defend her against the black man regardless of him making valid points during the encounter.

Suffice it to be however that America promotes and encourages the black woman to oversee, overshadow and ride shotgun over the black mans point of view and persona.

We must not confuse  idealism with realism.  America makes the rules based on race and gender and "we the people" merely play the hand that we are dealt.

Forget about the patriotic premise of you being in " a country that honors, respects, and takes care of all its citizens" because there is a specific reason why you are referred to as an African American, Cuban American, Mexican American and so forth.

You are considered and regarded as a guest in this country and your classification of being an "African American is duly noted as such.

The Europeans are referred to as simply "Americans" and the Americans have made it clear that there remains only enough resources for them and you will have to make due the best you know how when funding your domestic programs and defending your right to exist in and beyond the 21st century.

You can also forget about being an "equal citizen" in America because being equal defies logic. Why bother to conquer a race of people only to treat them as well as you do you?

The Europeans have clearly stated as recent as the 2008 Presidential State of the Union address that sharing and sharing alike with you is not an option.

Even Obama recognizes that fact because in his acceptance speech he said, " I know that I am not the right pedigree for this job, oh yeah I get it."

America is all about gender and race.  It is nothing personal, that's just the way it is in the U.S.A.   therefore whether win, place or show always bet  on black

Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak
Mubarak Inter-prizes
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55