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Black organizations and black minister/leaders have failed to demonstrate any role model behaviors, intellectual evolution or progressive thoughts accumulating into action.

  African American institutions, black politicians and black minister leaders are either missing in action or grandstanding behind empty rhetoric. The above mentioned entities do absolutely nothing to salvage our black boys but whine, moan, complain and wait for someone one else to fix the problem.
Grown black men such as Phillip Jackson, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Sen. James Meeks, Bishop Larry Trotter from Chicago, Bishop Eddie long from Georgia, Bishop Blake from California along with other faith based minister are the reason black boys have become violent and extinct.   The leaders and institutions of today lack vision, insight and courage. They can't relate to the young black youth of today because they are old, obsolete, seriously out of touch and are afraid of young black boys.

 I challenge black organizations to round up black men over 30 that are computer literate enough to entertain or capture the interest of today's black boys by operating and engaging a young black boy on a PlayStation or Xbox game console.

 It can't be done because the young black boys I speak of were born in the era of MTV and computers while the leaders and leadership of today are still stuck on a dead, decayed and fossilized civil right vine.  Our guardians and Shepard's out of fear have also sold the futures of young black boys in exchange for publicity, grandstanding and faith based government welfare.
African  American Institutions such as The Black Star Project, Du Sable Museum, Operation Push, the National Urban League and the N.A.A.C.P are  either in hiding or void of any progressive initiatives that can or will encourage young black boys to face life with the courage and confidence they need to feel secure within themselves.  

African  American Institutions such as The Black Star Project, Du Sable Museum, Operation Push, the National Urban League and the N.A.A.C.P believe that holding press conferences, seminars and charitable give aways will be publicly perceived and construed as evidence of a valid effort to salvage our young black boys.  


African American institutions, black politicians and black minister leaders cry out because the black youth have no role models but yet they don't exercise, read. nor do they present themselves as role models nor do they possess a commanding aura.

The Black Star Project seeks 100 men to read to young black boys but yet they themselves can't or don't read. The Black Star project heralded with fanfare their strategy to create role models for young boys by devising a "fathers walk your son to school day"

Senator/Rev.Sen James Meeks from Chicago announced in a televised speech that his church's mission was accomplished because they had created volunteer services and giveaways including creating a "basketball team" for young boys while lamenting in the same breath that young boys needs to know more than how to play basketball.
Bishop Eddie Long despite his mega church and enormous membership sits deathly quiet while the South targets young black boys for lock down.   

In Chicago Bishop Larry trotter in his response to a black 16 year old boy getting shot to death on Chicago transit bus rides on the bus the next day protesting by singing slave songs along the bus route.
We have African American institutions, black politicians and black minister leaders blaming the government, parents, schools and anybody else they can point a finger for the extinction of black boys while they grandstand and perpetrate as role models behind their pulpits with their stomachs hanging out, slouching, limping and totally out of shape.

Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak

President/CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55