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 What does dropping out of school have to do with reading? I've been to college where students didn't read JACK, and I've known dropouts that are voracious readers. I know plenty of 'educated' people who refuse to pick up a book, and people with a limited education that you never see them without a book in their hand.

What does dropping out of school have to do with reading?
Black CapaCity Literary Arts Festival

Dear Black CapaCity Literary Arts Festival and all others,
To begin with school is centered and focused around reading. Reading is about comprehension. Reading comprehension is measured in levels and when you drop out of school the highest level of reading comprehension you can achieve is functioning illiterate.

A individual is considered a functioning illiterate not because you can't read but because you are reading at a level well beneath your adult expected comprehension skill level.

For instance, there is a distinct different between talking to you and talking about you but only by remaining in school can you increase your reading comprehension skill level to discern the difference between the two.

I replied to a discussion where I was talking to you. You replied "Don't read what's not there. it makes you sound rather elitist." You are talking about me.

In reading comprehension you also learn and discern how to read between the lines.
Reading between the lines is referred to as inferences made or brought about during a discussion or conversation.

If a person can't read, see nor hear what is not there it is because they have not learned or discerned how to read between the lines. In further considering your reply I can only guess which category of your reply describes you.

Are you in category (A) I've been to college where students didn't read.
(B) known dropouts that are voracious readers. (C) A person with a limited education that you never see them without a book in their hand. (D) 'educated' person who refuse to pick up a book.

The evidence supporting which category you befall is found and supported in your opening statement to wit: it was surprising that they shut their doors because there was never any indication given that they were in some sort of financial trouble.

There are always indications present in any given situation but only a reader with knowledge and an acceptable reading comprehension skill level coupled with a discerning eye for reading between the lines will recognize the indications. A functioning illiterate reader will not.

Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak

President/CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55