05 Oct Top 5 keys to the mystery: Why are men and women friends?

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OO! OO! OO! I finally figured it out!  Get your tape recorders out.  I have finally found the answer to the great mystery.  You guessed it. The mystery of "Why are women and men friends?". 

Ladies, have you been racking your brains trying to figure out why your man still has that ONE female friend?  Fellas, are you scratching your head trying to figure out why your lady still has that ONE male friend?  Well, take some notes because I'm going to tell you.

Watch out!  Here it COMES in reverse order of importance:

Top Reason #5 - They don't use the same bathroom.  Now, before you go "HUH?" or "WHAT", follow this logic.  When you have friends of the same sex, you are almost ALWAYS going to travel in the same circles or be exposed to the same types of stressors.  You're, also, going to probably have the same interest and same likes.  However, when you have a friends of the opposite sex, at some point, they are going to do their 'guy things' or their 'girl things'.  Since you guys don't travel in the same circles, you'll never feel weird hanging together in certain environments.  For you fellas who don't understand, ask your girl if they would hang out with their gynecologist. Then, it will ALL make sense.

Top Reason #4 - you show your sensitive side.  Ok, fellas.  Would you tell your male friends that you can't understand why your lady treats you the way she does??  And ladies, what do your girls say when you tell them that you don't understand why your man treats you bad?  That's right.  They are going to call you a "punk" or a "bitch".  Or you will hear the famous line "I wouldn't let my man/girl treat me like that!".  Now, when you are emotionally LOW, the last thing you want to hear is some ole' crazy noise like that, so what do you do?  You turn to someone who can understand your pain and not make you feel small.

Top Reason #3 - you get to see the dark side of the force.  Alright, ladies, how many times have you called your male friends and asked "This guy left me a message.  How long should I wait before I call him back so I don't look desparate?".  SAAAAAAAAAAAY WHAT??  And fellas,  how many times have you asked your female friends "should I be worried if she doesn't call me back right away?".  Stop FRONTIN! You know that you have.  You won't let your friends of the same sex know because you don't want them to think that you are soft.  However, the simple fact is that you like that fact of having a friend who can give you some insight into how the opposite thinks or acts.  This point is further strengthened by the fact that your opposite sex friends can WARN you if you are about to walk into a trap that you wouldn't have normally seen!

Top Reason #2 - you love someone who cuts through the trifleness.  Ladies, how many times have you said to your male friends "I don't want him to think I'm desparate" and they responded with "But you are, so why are you frontin?".  Fellas, how many times have you told your female friends "I don't want her to think she's a booty call" and your female friends says "But she is.  Stop playin around and call it what it is!".  Remember, your opposite friends are almost ROLE playing the position of the person you're trying to get with or that you're in a relationship.  They not only give you insight but they don't waste any time letting you know that what you're doing is trifling.

And the NUMBER 1 reason why women and friends, are........................
Here it comes!!!:

Top Reason #1 - They won't gas your head and let you get your ass kicked!!!!!  That's right. I said it!  You don't get it?? Here's how it plays out.  You are talking to your girl / guy.  Something happens that comes off as if they "TRIED YOU".  So what happens?? If your girls or your guys are around, WATCH OUT!! They gas your head up!! "Aw man, I wouldn't take that! If you don't do something now, she'll keep punking you man!!" or "Looky heya, you know you my girl, but if my man tried me like that, he would be feeling it right now!".  So what happens??  You get fired up! You stop looking at the situation logically and you are ready to ride!! Then, all of a sudden, you go and lose your mind and BOOM, the situation has now become worse!! But wait!  You contact your opposite sex friend and you tell them what happened and they are say one of TWO things.  One, they tell you "If you DO that, this is what is going to happen.  Are you ready for that??".  Two, they tell you "Listen, if you want to make your point, you should do this!".  In any event, you have a better insight and you are able to handle this situation in a way that puts you in a stronger position and you don't look like an ass.

Now, be a peace.  You now know the secret so just accept the fact that your man or your girl are NOT cutting their opposite friend loose any time soon.  Just KNOW that you now know the secret behind the mystery.
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55