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It is no revelation that personal interpretation is the result of individual comprehension. As professed presumed educated black professionals surely you must know that discussions are primarily the interpretation, perspective or perception of the author or reader.

If we are reading, writing or interpreting from similar or different reading sources, surely individual comprehension will produce different or reinforcing interpretations, perspectives or perceptions.

It is incumbent upon you as a professed educated black professional to clearly and with articulation reply to any discussion whether public or private with an intelligent if not knowledgeable rebuttal, interpretation, perspective or perception.

As black professionals your replies should not be perceived as motivated by emotional indignation unless you are addressing a personal matter to which this is not. Your replies to a black professional public message board should not be perceived as coming from black professional immaturity but from your education, empirical knowledge, or a trusted reading source.

The expectation here is for black professionals to fortify your litigious skills with intelligence, reasoning or logic and submit replies that clearly articulates a different or reinforcing interpretation, perspective or perception.

Merely attacking any discussion is well beneath your presumed higher learning. Any reply, concurring or descending opinion should be coupled with, intelligence or logical consideration. Intelligent or logical replies make for a much better and worthwhile discussion as opposed to emotionally attacking.

Emotional replies strongly suggests that you are professionally immature or lack word terminology skills. Emotional replies further suggest that you are a fraudulent rather than authentic black professional.

Begin by taking the term "Black Professional" seriously. Encourage other African Americans to join black professional reader/author groups. Anyone joining the Black professionals Reader/Author groups is given the rare and exceptional opportunity to write and express with the knowledge that you are operating from a position of strength and power and not affirmative action.

There are many situations in the employment arena where you find yourself the only black on the job but through the power of writing and articulation you will overcome the feeling of tokenism, inferiority, isolation and the perception by others that African Americans are sub-par in their education, experience and chosen professional endeavors.

You don't need a support group. Support groups are for people that find solace in knowing that someone else is in the same boat as them. Support groups thrive on the "misery loves company" theory.

Reading and writing instills in African Americans the courage and confidence required to suck the power out of being the only black on the job. As the only African American on the job you are in a unique position without competition. Joining black professional reader/author groups makes you a force in your chosen field to be reckoned with.


If African Americans continue to chase racism as the culprit of our condition and deny the power in the strategy of maintaining a strong image of intellectual perception, then the reckless and willful maltreatment of African Americans in the 21st century will increase to a level of insensitivity unimaginable.

If African Americans are so self-willed and concrete determined that what people think and say about you doesn't matter then you will spend your life at war. You will not survive because African American perception of African Americans being intellectually inferior is not confined to only white America. It is a global perception as well.

The global perception of African Americans as not being intelligent is what matters. If we want to live in and beyond the 21st first century we have to, and we must maintain a strong image and intellectual presence.

For African Americans to live in relative peace in the 21st century then believe Enoch Mubarak when I tell you to, forget about racism. Racism is dead. The game of the 21st century centers around: Intelligence, Perception and Association.

Take your heart and mind out of the sand and face the fact that the 21st century for African Americans requires a strong image and a global intellectual presence. Intelligence, perception and association is the only way to negotiate our existence in and beyond the 21st century.

I post my messages in this manner and fashion because African Americans need to see real time proof of what the game is all about and once African Americans know better we will do better . Get "Undercover Smart."

Enoch Mubarak
President & CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55