23 Sep Now, why you gonna make me cuss you??!

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Awwww, man, I gotta share this story to set this up right.  Years ago, my dad was dating this woman and he was playing with her by pushing her around and wrestling with her.  Now, she clearly didn't like this so she told my dad to stop.  Of course, my dad being hard headed kept on messing with her.  She warned him again that she did not like a man 'man handling her' and that she didn't like wrestling.  I say again, my dad being hardheaded kept messing with her.  The next thing I know, "PA POW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!  That's right, she hit him with a two piece:  One to the gut and the other to the shoulder.  NOOOOOOW, my dad wanted to get serious and said "Woman, are you crazy?!" She then said, "Those were warning punches. The next time will be to your face!!".

Now, I'll be the first to tell you that THAT was funny as hell to me! However, it did bring up a unique point.  Isn't it interesting how people will PUSH you to show that OTHER side of your personality EVEN when you warn them??

I've had always had the feeling and belief that we all have a DARK side of us.  You know what I'm talking about! That side of our personality that we keep on lock so people don't think ill of us.  However, it's like the Pit BULL in the fenced in yard in the dog house.  Even though you don't have a sign on the door that says "MAD DOG", you keep the key handy in case you need to let the DOG out on someone.

The thing that I am always amazed is how people can see the dog, hear the dog, KNOW the dog will bite and will continue to antagonize the dog until FINALLY, BAM, tear a knot out yo ass!!!!  LOL

People, I will never understand it.  Now, some people have a SICK sense of pleasure of watching someone get gangsta.  True story, BAAAAAAAAAAAACK in the day when I was pledging, I remember my line being sent to this one young lady's room who was a member of Delta Sigma Theta.  The running comment was that previous pledges in the past had been sent to her with the task of asking for one of her 'undergarments' (yes, juvenile, I know).  Well, this Delta had a reputation FOR cussing out pledges for asking for these items.  And HERE we go and all I could think was "Why would you do this to us KNOWING we gonna get cussed out??!!".  Fortunately, she didn't do it this time but you get the point.

Then, there are those persons out there who just don't believe that someone will put the dogs on them.  How many times have you had someone "Push" you and you tell them stop before it gets ugly and they STILL do it??  You know what I'm talking about.  They keep on and on and finally BAM, you gotta break out that GANGSTA side of you!

Listen, some people just NEED to get that RIGHTEOUS cussing for them to recognize that if you keep playing in the kitchen, the skillet of hot grease will eventually get knocked off the stove and BURN your ass!!
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55