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African Americans are beyond and far removed from adopting a positive attitude concerning the African American way of life. Defined intelligence dispatches black professionals that forever stands ready to squash any mass movement in any positive self-help mental direction.

As truth is stranger than fiction; prepare yourself to read beyond what you already know.

To understand the dynamics behind the lack of participation in African American businesses is to understand the logic and working dynamics of defined intelligence. The logic of defined intelligence begs the question, What sense does it make to conquer a race of people only to treat them as well as you do you?

Having found justification for reason in the above logic, defined intelligence devised a separate but equal intellectual doctrine that clearly establishes and separates those with defined intelligence from those with undefined intelligence.

Those with defined intelligence create strategic properties consisting of dynamics that seemingly forever drive African Americans to unwittingly but willfully,and with intent satisfy their participation in life under a false premise of having defined intelligence but always with the proof missing.

Most of our highly educated and respected African American academic public officials and political black minister/leaders harbor, relish and vibrantly defend the notion that they posses defined intelligence when in all actuality...

they are actually no more than educated black pawns that unwittingly carry out and reinforce the dynamics within the strategic properties of defined intelligence.

For Instance:
It is defined intelligence that instructs politicians, ministers and school personnel to instill in African Americans the value of having a job or attending a career academy while defined intelligence in and of itself promotes only attending business schools within its ranks.

The success of the separate but equal intellectual doctrine is proven and validated whenever you hear African Americans ask each other the question, Who do you work for?

The success of defined intelligence only promoting business schools is proven and validated whenever you hear the question, What do you do for a living?

Defined intelligence instructs black accountants, academic professionals and urban social agencies to relay the message to African Americans that saving your money is prudent however defined intelligence knows that it takes spending your money to make money.

Defined intelligence tells black doctors, nurses and other black health care officials to promote birth control and planned parenthood among the African Americans while within the ranks of defined intelligence billions of dollars are spent promoting, researching and providing invertro-in-fertilization treatments, pro-creation services and lovemaking techniques based on positions and timing.

Defined intelligence instructs our highly educated black accountants and respected African American, public officials to tell African Americans that traveling coach is to be travel smart and money smart when defined intelligence only travels first class.

As of this writing,
Defined intelligence have black pharmacist, black doctors, nurses, political black minister/leaders and other black health officials promoting to African Americans the notion that generic medicine is just as good as brand name medicine but yet defined intelligence only takes brand name medicine.

In real-time defined intelligence owns all the businesses, pro-creates, travels first class and take brand name medicine. African Americans are not in businesses, practicing birth control, traveling second class and taking generic medicine.

The solution is to read Undercover Smart because the only thing that rivals defined intelligence is superior intelligence.

If African Americans are to overcome the dismal numbers in the black ownership arenas; our educated black professionals, black pharmacist, black doctors, nurses, political black minister/leaders and other black health officials must first overcome being unwittingly dictated, controlled and manipulated by the separate but equal intellectual doctrine set forth by defined intelligence.

If you desire to own your own business, then don't look for leadership, forget about pep talks, motivational post, pointers, advice and business seminars. You can not trust the advice being offered by our European chasing,educated African Americans because their advice to the African American community is designed by defined intellectual design to keep African Americans content to participate at our current level of participation.

Read, "Undercover Smart" and rescue your mind from the defined intellectual dynamics preventing African Americans from defining and pursuing our own God given intelligence.

Enoch Mubarak
President, CEO
Mubarak Inter-prizes
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55