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Enoch Mubarak


I have read the New York Times article "The racial politics of speaking well" The middle class black academies that wrote, participated or agree with the articles premise or view point are hypocrites. They are hypocrites because they in turn do the same thing to other blacks that the Europeans do to them.

The black professional academies are absolutely correct with their analysis that Europeans are verbally and openly amazed, astounded ,mesmerized and set aside by a black persons ability to talk and formally speak with clear, comprehensive articulated word eloquence.

The Europeans find the fact that some blacks can read, write and articulate as worthy of public mention and rightly so because they know they were the authors of the laws and restrictions prohibiting us from achieving such literary and academic goals.

Europeans fully understand that when they hear a black person speaking with comprehensible and articulate English they are listening to and witnessing a black person while under the threat of death rise to a point of linguistics unimaginable when considering the deliberate sequestering laws, restrictions and gross mis-education of the African American.

While black academies write articles admonishing the Europeans for publicly noting their ability to form a complete sentence black academies in turn laud and applaud with pomp and ceremony the rarity of lessor educated blacks that read, write and speak well.

Black academies are constantly promoting and pointing out to less educated blacks the example set by them and other like them that overcame a educational system designed for the academic failure of African Americans and yet they are insulted by any praise, love, or public mention of them from Europeans.

They are insulted because any praise, mention or acknowledgment from Europeans make upper crusted black professionals feel inferior to the Europeans.

It is very clear to the Europeans that they can not take credit for our literary advancements. The Europeans duly recognize that they put deliberate obstacles in our paths that gave themselves a 300 year head start.

It is for that reason that the Europeans find it truly worthy of mention, recognition, and heralding whenever or wherever they hear or witnesses the literary accomplishments of comprehensive articulation emanating from a black person.

The open acknowledgment by the Europeans in regards to the ability of blacks to read, write and articulate hurts the upper crusted black professional by making them painfully aware of their origin, history and connection to the legacy and affliction of chattel slavery.

The European verbal heralding painfully reminds them that they are viewed by the Europeans as linquistic oddities.

The upper crusted black professional feelings are hurt and crushed because no matter how hard they try to prove that they are as good as the Europeans they are left feeling intellectually inferior every time a European publically acknowledges how well one of them read, write or speak.

The true objective of the black academic professionals desire is not to be veiwed inferior to the Europeans but to be viewed and accepted by the Europeans as their literary and academic equals.

The black academic professional wants nothing less than total assimilation with the Europeans. The black academe professional wants to share and share alike with the Europeans.

Black academic professionals are not interested in black advancement, they are only interested in European acceptance.

The black academic professional wants the Europeans to forget about slavery, color laws and the Jim Crow restrictions that prevented blacks from learning to read, write or speak in a clear, precise, intelligent or articulate manner.... and yet the same black academic professionals will hypocritically exhibit public outrage and indignation at any suggestion by the Europeans that they should forget about the past as well.

The black academe is however forever broken-hearted, and dismayed by the realization that having done everything to assimilate and disassociate themselves from the lower class grass root uneducated, disenfranchised African American that the Europeans still view them not as indistinguishable equals but as underclassed, uneducated decedents of slaves as they also view the least of us.

The black academic professionals desires are forever crushed by the European wake-up call to the reality that the object of their desires view them as black academic aberrations.

Sincerely, Enoch mubarak
Mubarak Inter-prizes

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55